Training Course on Using Online Tools to Promote Exchange and Understanding

Deadline: 2 July 2016
Open to: young people from Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Macedonia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Turkey, United Kingdom
Venue: 31 July-8 August 2016, Ommen, the Netherlands


Jongeren voor Uitwisseling en Begrip (JUB) is looking for participants for a training course called “From new challenges to innovative contributions: using online tools to promote exchange and understanding”. The main goal is to empower youth workers with essential competences to promote exchange and understanding, using online methods.

The idea originates from the hugely successful ‘Human of New York’ page, which has gathered over 16 million likes on Facebook by now. The power of social media is that it can reach a lot of people quickly, and it offers an easy space for interaction afterwards as well. Moreover, as most young people are active on social networks, it is good way to reach them.


Participants from Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Macedonia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Turkey, United Kingdom.

Priority will be given to participants matching the following profile:

  • Willing and able to work on local level with the subject matter, with youngsters;
  • No expertise in the topics is needed (prejudices / social media / photography, but welcomed for input during sessions – enthusiasm is most important;
  • Ability to work in English. There is no age restriction. The organization will take into account balance in terms of gender and cultural background.


  • JUB will cover your stay 100%, including food and drinks;
  • 80% of all travel costs (door to door, cheapest way, until the limits) will be reimbursed afterwards, after receiving all relevant receipts, including boarding passes;
  • There is a participation fee, which will be deducted from the travel reimbursement:
    • Participants from EU countries: EUR 50;
    • Participants from non-EU countries: EUR 30.

How to apply?

In order to apply, please fill out the online form latest by 2 July 2016.

In case of any questions, please contact Alexander:

For more information please check the official call.

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