Access to Energy – Journalism Fellowship

Deadline: 29 November 2015
Open to: staff reporters and freelancers who have a written agreement from an editor at a publication to publish the content they produce and take part in the project
Fellowship: total budget of USD 10,558


The Access to Energy Journalism Fellowship (AEJF) is administered and produced by Discourse Media, with financial support from the Waterloo Global Science Initiative (WGSI).

The goals of the AEJF are twofold. First, it seeks to support journalism on energy access that will have an impact on public discourse locally, in the country/region of the reporter. Second, it aims to bring stories on energy access from many different parts of the world together, on one platform, to paint a broader picture of the landscape of energy access issues globally. The project will be presented at the the 2016 OpenAccess Energy Summit in Waterloo, Ontario, hosted by the Waterloo Global Science Initiative. 

Discourse Media will award fellowships to up to eight journalists from around the world to produce one long-form written feature article on the issue of energy access in their country/region. The resulting content will be published in three potential places:

  • Individual features will be published by each fellow’s media outlet;
  • Content from all fellows will be published on a dedicated project website that will act as a marquee hub for energy access journalism;
  • All features produced as part of the project will be available to the other media outlets taking part in the fellowship to publish, if they wish, through a content sharing agreement.


The fellowships are open to both staff reporters and to freelancers who have a written agreement from an editor at a publication to publish the content they produce and take part in the project. Fellows will be selected based on:

  1. The demonstrated quality of their past work;
  2. The story they wish to pursue, which should explore an underreported side of the energy access story in their country from a systemic perspective. They want stories that are deeply rooted in people’s lived experience. They want to shed light on how different countries around the world are grappling with the issue of energy poverty and what that might mean for the future of your country/region in a time of climate change and other major challenges.


The total pool of available funding for all fellows combined is CAD 14,000 ( USD 10,558). Please provide a budget that details all expenses that your proposed funding request would cover.

How to apply?

  • A proposal (maximum 750 words) detailing: their motivation and rationale for wanting to partake in the project; the story idea/angle they will pursue with their reporting, and how they will do so; and any additional multimedia that would accompany the piece. Additional multimedia is encouraged, but not required;
  • A letter of support, from an editor at the applicant’s publication, committing to publish their feature and participate in the project;
  • A proposed budget. In general, this funding pool is intended to support reporting expenses above and beyond resources and compensation provided by the applicant’s publication. Funding is flexible, and can cover a range of reporting expenses from travel to supplies; requests for personal stipends will be considered in some cases, particularly in countries where compensation for journalism is poor;
  • A brief bio and CV;
  • Two or three examples of their written work. Up to two multimedia examples may be included in addition to written work.

Applications should be emailed to latest by 29 November 2015.

For more information please visit the official website.

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