Apply for Women in Peace Mediation Course

Deadline:  16 October 2015
Open to: women professionals from civil society, academia and policy making communities throughout the South Caucasus
Venue: 24 – 28 November 2015, Armada Old City Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey


The process of attaining sustainable peace requires the inclusion of the entire society. This cannot be achieved if women, who bear the brunt conflicts, are not involved in peace processes in active and meaningful ways. While women have been continuously engaged in grassroots peacebuilding initiatives in the South Caucasus, they remain at the margins of formal politics and are largely excluded from the official peace processes.

The Women in Peace Mediation Course offers participants rigorous training sessions to enhance their peace process design competencies, mediation and negotiation skills and related knowledge base. The four training modules are also designed to provide support to the participants in developing multitrack inclusivity models in their respective contexts.

Module 1 runs from 24-28 November, 2015 and covers the mapping of conflicts and respective peace processes, 2015 conflict analysis, and conflict transformation. It will be held at the Armada Old City Hotel in Istanbul.

The course will be conducted in English, but Russian translation will be provided.


Priority will be given to 20 women professionals from civil society, academia and policy making communities throughout the South Caucasus.

Participants will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • Proven record of experience in peacebuilding at large;
  • Strong commitment to women, peace and security issues;
  • Willingness to commit to the entire program;
  • English language proficiency;
  • Established professionals and emerging experts alike from across the region.


All travel, accommodation and course related costs will be covered by the Swiss FDFA.


Applications (a CV and a letter of motivation) should be sent to latest by October 16, 2015.

For more information please check the official call.

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