Power Up: English for the Energy Transition Online Course

Course starts: 21 September, 2015
Open to: professionals and students internationally with previous English knowledge, interested to boost their language skills and learning the most important vocabulary from the ‘energy world’
Venue: online / iversity platform

About the course

The climate change and the shortage of the fossil resources are energy-related topics that lead to discussions about the energy supply of the future: On a local and on a global level, in professional and in private contexts. Following the catastrophe in Fukushima the awareness for the necessity of discussing increased. In Germany, the reaction resulted in the so-called “Energiewende” – the energy transition. While English – as lingua franca – cannot solve the problems of energy supply, it can at least aid finding the right words when talking about finding a solution. Within the wide field of energy, this MOOC focuses on the topics closely related to energy transition. However, it will not give a deep insight into the technical terminology e.g. of a power plant.

Who can Participate?

This course is aimed at professionals and students with previous English knowledge, interested in refreshing their language skills and learning the most important vocabulary from the energy world, particularly the topics connected to the energy transition. The course is especially suitable for those who would like to push their international career in the energy sector and those who would like to brush up their language skills before joining the “Energy English” further education course at KIT

What do you need to know?

Some prerequisite knowledge is required: English level at A2/B1 or above according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). No particular knowledge is required on the topic of Energy.

What will you learn?

The overall course objective is to acquire a sound basis in the necessary vocabulary for communicating about topics concerning the energy transition. The aim is for students to both understand and be able to use this vocabulary in context. The quantifiable goal is the acquisition of between 20-30 vocabulary words per week.

You will be trained in the passive skills of listening and reading comprehension as well as the active skill of writing when discussing in the forum or completing exercises. After completion of this MOOC the participants shall be supplied with the solid basic vocabulary to follow and participate in discussions on the above mentioned topics in private as well as in professional contexts, to understand texts or videos on energy transition. These discussions could be in a business context e.g. negotiation with an international partner, or with a political background.

Course instructor: Julia Thompson-Kleser

How to enroll?

You can audit the course for free or opt for certificate track (EUR 49) at the iversity platform HERE. The course is to start 21 September, 2015, and it will be in the duration of 6 weeks.

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