Baku Forum 2015 – Voice of Young Researchers in Conflict Areas in Europe

Deadline: 28 August 2015
Open to: young scientists and researchers from European countries
Venue: 5-8 October 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan


Baku Forum 2015 is a 3rd conference forum that is organized by Azerbaijan Young Scientists, Postgraduate and Masters Union – AYSPMU and supported by the Azerbaijan Youth Foundation under President of Azerbaijan Republic. This year the name of scientific forum is “Voice of Young Researchers in conflict areas in Europe”. The purpose of the Forum is to promote the cooperation between young scientists and researchers from different European countries and disciplines.

Furthermore, it aims to establish new relationships and exchange of scientific information and create suitable conditions for the performance of interdisciplinary research in the future. The Forum aims to strengthen the existing young scientist networks within the European Research Area and facilitate the establishment of new international cooperations. Last but not least, it will serve as a platform for discussion on the means for and principles of achieving this mission.


The conference is open to young scientists and researchers from different European countries and disciplines.


Organizing Committee can provide for a certain number of applicants travel and accommodation support. All selected participants for travel and accomodation scholarship will have covered round ticket from their home country to Azerbaijan and 3 nights in ALP Inn Hotel in Baku.

How to apply?

The deadline for applications is 28 August 2015, 12:00 CET. To register for Baku Forum 2015 please fill the online application form.

For more information please visit the official website.

2 thoughts on “Baku Forum 2015 – Voice of Young Researchers in Conflict Areas in Europe

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