PhD Student-Assistant Positions at University of Ljubljana

Deadline: 28 August 2015
Open to: anyone with a Master’s degree who is applying for the Computer and Information Science doctoral programme
Scholarship: monthly salary EUR 800 – EUR 1,000


The Faculty of Computer and Information Science of the University of Ljubljana offers five PhD Student-Assistant positions for four years (3 years of study and an additional year) starting in academic year 2015/2016. In addition to regular coursework required for the doctoral study programme, the obligations of PhD Students-Assistants also include 30 hours per week of participation in the supervisor’s research lab as well as drafting and correcting coursework and exams, and consulting the students for 10 hours per week.

The research work carried out in 19 research laboratories is very diverse. The research is particularly intense in the field of artificial intelligence and related disciplines, such as machine learning, data mining and computer vision, and applied to different domains from bioinformatics and cognitive modelling to intelligent robotics. Another important research area is data acquisition and management as well as integration of information systems. FRI is addressing various other research questions from different fields of computer science, information science and software engineering. The selected candidates will sign a one-year contract, which will be extended by up to three years (four years altogether), if the candidate successfully progresses into the next year of study and receives a positive evaluation of his/her work by the supervisor. PhD Students-Assistants are expected to complete their doctoral studies in four years.


The call is open for candidates of Slovenian nationality or foreign students who are applying for the Computer and Information Science doctoral programme at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science in the 2015/2016 academic year, and who fulfil all enrolment requirements. The application can also be submitted by candidates who do not meet all enrolment requirements at the time of applying. They should enclose a statement declaring that they will complete these requirements before the actual enrolment, which is 20 September 2015.


The position will offer the cost of tuition fees ( EUR 3,450 per academic year) and a monthly salary EUR 800 – EUR 1,000, which will depend on applicant’s academic performance.

How to apply?

The deadline for applications is 28 August 2015. To apply, fill out the online application form or send it to the following address:

Univerza v Ljubljani
Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko
Večna pot 113
SI-1000 Ljubljana

Additionally to the application for the doctoral student teaching assistant position please enclose the application for the doctoral study programme in Computer and Information Science at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science and the following documents:

  • A structured biography (personal details, work experience, education and training, language skills, awards and recognitions, cooperation at project and research work; a bibliography of articles published in journals or at conferences);
  • A certified copy of your diploma and the diploma supplements, or a certificate issued by a higher education institution (diploma supplements are not required for FRI graduates), if applicable;
  • A GPA certificate of exams and tutorials, if you have not already enclosed it in the diploma supplement (diploma supplements are not required for FRI graduates);
  • A cover letter;
  • Two reference letters (from supervisors at university or work/traineeships, or undergraduate studies professors). 

The candidate enrolls to the doctoral study programme via the eVŠ online portal. Candidates could be invited for an interview (conducted in person or via video conference) within 14 days after the process of receiving applications is completed. They will be notified of the decision within 7 days after the interview or no later than 21 days after the process of receiving applications is completed. Selected candidates will begin work on 1 October 2015.

For more information please follow the official website. For any additional information about the call for applications or doctoral studies at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science, please direct your enquires to

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