Traineeship at the European Network and Information Security Agency

Deadline: 31 December 2015
Open to: trainees have to be nationals of a member state of the European Union, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein
Remuneration: EUR 1000 per month net of income tax


ENISA through its traineeship scheme benefits from the input of enthusiastic graduates who can give a fresh point of view and up-to-date academic knowledge, which will enhance the everyday work of ENISA. Every year the Executive Director decides about the number of traineeships that will be offered in each Department, depending on the capacity of each Department to accommodate trainees.

The aims of the traineeship at ENISA are:

  • To provide trainees an understanding of the objectives and activities of ENISA;
  • To enable trainees to acquire practical experience and knowledge of the day-today work of ENISA Departments and Units;
  • To promote European integration within the spirit of new governance and through active participation to create awareness of true European citizenship;
  • To enable trainees to put into practice knowledge acquired during their studies, or professional careers.

Applications for traineeships at ENISA are accepted in the following areas:

  1. Network Information Security (NIS);
  2. Administration and Support.

More information about the programs you can find here.


  • Trainees have to be nationals of a member state of the European Union, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein;
  • Applicants must have completed the first cycle of a higher university education course and to have obtained a full degree or its equivalent by the closing date for applications (refer to annex 1 of Decision 79/2014 for minimum national qualifications required by the legislation in the country where the diploma was obtained);
  • Very good knowledge of at least two EU languages, one of which should be the main working language of ENISA (English);
  • Only those applicants that have not participated in other traineeships organised by either the EU Commission or any of the EU Institutions or Agencies are eligible to participate.


The monthly grant available to trainees for these positions will be EUR 1000 per month net of income tax.


  1. Download the application form (note you must have installed the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader;
  2. The application can be saved on your computer at any stage. Please note that ALL the boxes with a red border are mandatory and must be completed before submission of the final application;
  3. Once the form is completed, click the “Check and Save” button to save your final application as a PDF file on your computer;
  4. Following this, a web page will automatically open in your browser to allow you to submit your application file. Fill in the form in this page and select your PDF file under “PDF Application form” from your computer
  5. Once you click the Send button, you will receive an immediate message indicating that your application has been sent. Following this, you will receive an email acknowledging the receipt of your application. ( If you don’t receive the acknowledgment by email within 12 hours please contact

Pdf application has to be named under format: SURNAME_NAME_2015_01. Please note that you can apply only for ONE of the seven advertised profiles. Send you application latest by 31 December 2015.

For more information please visit the official website.

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