International Conference: Innovative Development of Agricultural Science and Education

Deadline: 15 September 2015
Open to: national and international researchers from higher and scientific-research institutions engaging in the areas of agriculture
Venue: 23-24 October 2015, Ganja, Azerbaijan


Azerbaijan State Agricultural University has opened a call for papers for International Scientific Practical Conference on “Innovative development of agricultural science and education: world experience and current priorities”. The aim of the conference is to assemble both national and international researchers from higher and scientific-research institutions to share scientific achievements and practices, to discuss common problems and suggest recommendations for solutions in order to give impetus to agricultural development and acceleration of its modernization related to the Decree of The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev on announcement of 2015 as “The Year of Agriculture” dated 12 January 2015. Languages of the conference are Azerbaijani, English, Russian. Key topics of the conference are:

  • Food security in the world: challenges, solutions;
  • The innovative technologies of vegetable growing in open fields and greenhouses;
  • Integrated plant protection, pests management in fighting against harmful organisms;
  • Sustainable agriculture, environment and ecological problems;
  • Veterinary-sanitary measures, actual problems of animal husbandry and poultry;
  • The integration of agricultural science, education and industry: agro parks and techno parks;
  • The importance of E-agriculture: geographical information systems (GIS);
  • Natural resource management in a global warming condition;
  • Agricultural economics and marketing;


The conference is opened to national and international researchers from higher and scientific-research institutions engaging in the areas of agriculture and agricultural development.


The costs for accommodation and meals for participants will be covered by organizers. There is no reimbursement for travel costs.

How to apply?

The deadline for applications is 15 September 2015. There is no registration fee. All papers should be submitted through on-line abstract submission and registration on the website of university or email to For successful application the papers should meet following requirements:

  • Authors are directly responsible for the quality and accuracy of indicated facts and Azerbaijan State Agricultural University holds no responsibility or liability in this regard;
  • Papers should be prepared according to topics of the conference;
  • Papers should not exceed 5 pages, format-A4, 12 pt, Times New Roman, left 25 mm, right 15 mm, top and bottom 20 mm, interval-1, paragraph 1,25. Illustrates and tables should not exceed 3,7 cm from left and right sides;
  • Title of paper should be written centered in 12 pt bold and capital letters. Below scientific degree, title, name, surname and patrynomic of author, his (her) affiliated organisation and e-mail. 12 pt summary and key words in a paper language and English. A space between lines “12” in size and in the language of the article written in small letters in the English language summary and keywords in italics;
  • References should be given in the text in square brackets [1] and listed in alphabetical order.

For more information please check the official website.

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