Polish Cultural Diplomacy Summer School

Deadline: 15 April 2015
Open to: youth from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia and Ukraine
Venue: 18 July to September 2015, Poland


Get to Know about Poland’ organised by Institute for Eastern Initiatives is a long term educational project taking place between March and November 2015 in Poland and with follow-up in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia and Ukraine. Its main aim is promotion and implementation of Polish cultural diplomacy and good Polish practices within the fields of political transformation, civil society, self-governance and economic development. All partner countries engaged in the project are in a position to be leaders in their regions in stimulating and developing intercultural dialogue and diplomacy within the European Union, Eastern Partnership and Visegrad Group, as well as sharing innovative solutions with other countries in the region.

The project consists of two main activities:

  • Summer School for Cultural Managers (18-26 July 2015, Krakow, Poland) will be a one week intensive training course for youth workers, representatives of cultural and educational institutions, civil society activists, students, cultural managers, youth leaders from partner countries. The main topics of the training are: contemporary Polish culture, Eastern Partnership, the Polish diaspora, Poland as economic and cultural partner, civil society, political transformation, local and regional self-governments, economic development and entrepreneurship, non-formal education. Participants will also participate in several excursions to places connected with Polish history and culture (Auschwitz, salt mine in Wieliczka, museums, Municipality office).
  • Polish Evenings in partner countries (August-September, all partner countries). After the training participants will be obliged to prepare a Polish Evening – a cultural and educational event focused on workshops and presentations of the topics that were discussed during the Summer School. It will be a chance for them to implement newly gained skills and competences and to make use of the methodological handbook. Participants should then present to Institute for Eastern Initiatives a photo/video documentation from the events together with PP/pdf summary of their activities.


  • The participants  must be from following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine (2 per country);
  • Youth workers, representatives of cultural and educational institutions, civil society activists, students, cultural managers, youth leaders;
  • Aged 18-30 year;
  • Interested in Poland and Polish culture, history, economy, civil society institutions;
  • With some experience in organizing their own initiatives;
  • Eager and committed to promote the results of the project in their countries;
  • Good command of English.


Food, accommodation and all necessary materials are covered by the project. Travel costs will be reimbursed just to limit, according to travel distance and approximate travel expenses (per participant).

How to apply?

Please fill in the attached application form and send it to the supporting organisation in your country.

For more information, please check the official call.

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