The Bourgogne Balkans Express Conference in Belgrade and Zagreb

Deadline: 28 February 2015
Open to: young people aged 18-28 from the Balkans (Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo) and students from the French University Science Po Paris
Venue: 6-12 April 2015 in Belgrade, Serbia and Zagreb, Croatia


The student association “Bourgogne Balkans Express” from the University Sciences Po Paris has for objective to promote relations between the Balkan states and the European Union and stimulate dialogue about challenges in the European integration.

“Bourgogne Balkans Express” is organizing  a conference on the topic “Financial and energetic challenges of the European integration for Western Balkans” that will take place in Belgrade and  Zagreb from the 6th till the 12th April 2015. Participants will have the opportunity to listen to experts from the fields of finance and energy, they will also be able to exchange opinions and have interactive discussions, in that way making new friendships, exchanging experiences and discovering the Balkan culture.


The conference is intended to students from the French University Sciences Po Paris and young people aged 18-28 from the Balkans (Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo).


There is no participation fee and accommodation and breakfast will be provided by the organizers. Participants need to pay for their trip to Belgrade and Zagreb although there is the possibility that organizers refund the travel costs.


In order to apply interested candidates should send their CV and motivation letter to:

The deadline to apply is 28 February 2015.

For further information please visit the official Facebook page of the organizers.

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