Deadline: 24 October 2014
Open to: journalists from ENAJ member countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Romania
Award: to be discussed with the winners
The European Network for Agricultural Journalists (ENAJ) and the European Commission, Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) have launched the third edition of the Journalist Prize for Young Journalists. The goal is to honour journalistic skills of young professionals and to motivate young journalists to write about topics related to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
To be eligible for entry, the applicants must be:
- to be no older than 35 years old on 31.12.2014;
- must be a member of the ENAJ member countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Romania.
Applicants articles must meet the following requirements:
- article must be a story of maximum 800 words. If the published article was longer than 800 words, it must be shortened for application;
- to be published in a print publication or online between January,1, 2013 and September, 30, 2014;
- to cover a story about a young farmer / young farmers in European agriculture;
- have been investigated on farms and include at least one quotation of a farmer;
- to be written in one of the official languages of the competing countries (EN, DE, NL, FR, CZ, DK, FI, HU, IT, PL, SL, SK, ES, SV, HR, RO)
- be a single (written) story – multiple articles that make up a series are not allowed. (In such a situation, select one article from the series to enter.);
- be presented as a Word document, without layout or photos (to facilitate translation). A link or pdf of the published story can be added for information.
The winners will be contacted personally and the announcement will be made on the e-platform for European journalists, and on the ENAJ website by mid-December 2014. The top three winners will all be invited to the Ag-press network event of DG AGRI in Brussels (January/February 2015) and the first prize winner will also be invited to participate in of the press trips DG AGRI organises for journalists in 2015.
You can send your article to one of the respective persons email who is responsible to your country of origin or residence. ENAJ representatives in each participating country will nominate the best article, thereafter.
For additional information please visit the official website.