Fellowships for Scholars in Humanities at Humboldt Univ.

Deadline: 31 August, 2014
Open to: international senior scholars and postdoctoral candidates in the fields of History, Anthropology, Law, Sociology, Political Science, Geography, Economics and Area studies
Fellowship:  monthly stipend and financial support for the research (to be negotiated)


The International Research Center “Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History” at Humboldt University in Berlin, invites scholars to apply for fellowships for the 2015-2016 academic year. The fellowships are funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and there are 10-15 available fellowships depends on the quality of the proposed projects. The fellowships will begin on 1 October 2015 and end on 31 July 2016, however shorter fellowship might be possible.
The fellowships are provided in the field of Sociology, Political science, Geography, Economics, History, Anthropology and area studies. Your proposed project should contain a historical and transregional perspective. It will be nice to refer on a work-labor in relation to life course. For example: the household; loss of work ; work and gender; free and non-free labor and more.
A global history perspective is not required but keeping an open minded to such ideas is highly desirable.


Senior scholars and postdoctoral candidates who can provide a research program in the field of history, anthropology, law, sociology , political science, geography, economics and area studies can apply for one of the 15 fellowships. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) will welcome proposals about all regions of the world and especially those that look at comparisons, conflicts and relations between different regions.


The winners of this fellowship will receive a monthly stipend, which will be negotiated with the German Ministry of Education and Research. Also the fellows will be working in a fully equipped office in Berlin, Germany and will get organisational help for visa and accommodation.


Please use the electronic form available at the webpage HERE to go through the application process. Within the application, you will be required to fulfill and include your:

  • Basic information;
  • Your academic background;
  • Work Experience;
  • Language skills;
  • 2 letter of refference;
  • maximum of 10 publication that you have published and are relevant to labor history;
  • Your research project (Geographical focus of your research and the project that must not exeed 3000 words);
  • Additional information if you would like to provide.

More details are available within the official call

Contact person:
Dr.Felicitas Hentschke
T: +49(0)30/2093-70206; F:-70210
Email: felicitas.hentschke@asa.hu-berlin.de

The official Website

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