Young Audiences Music Awards 2014

Deadline: 15 July 2014
Open to: all music-based productions – soloist, group, ensemble or orchestra
Award: production of the year – 2000€, public award –  1000€, RESEO Youth Opera Award


The Young Audiences Music Awards (YAMA) honors creativity and innovation in the field of musical productions for young audiences, from all around the world, created by professional ensembles of all forms, from solo artist to orchestra. The YAMAs aim to identify and support cutting-edge productions that inspire and engage young people, since music has a profound impact on young people and promotes intercultural dialogue and understanding.

The Young Audiences Music Awards is brought to you by Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI) the world’s most renowned youth-music organisation. JMI’s work with young audiences is based on the principle that all children and youth must have access to music/culture as a fundamental human right. The YAMAs serve as a beacon of creativity and innovation to inspire those pushing the artistic and musical boundaries as well as those instill hope in those working in difficult circumstances, supporting the fight to maintain and grow this crucial sector of human development.


Participation is open to all music-based productions, whether soloist, group, ensemble or orchestra. The main criteria are: Quality of Music, Quality of Performance, Relevance/Objective, Audience Communication and International Appeal/Potential.


An international jury comprised of young audience professionals from Jeunesses Musicales International will judge all submitted applications and will announce the finalists by 7 October 2014. Cash prizes will be presented to productions in the following categories:

  • YAMA Production of the Year;
  • YAMA People’s Choice Award and for the first time;
  • special Youth Opera Award will be offered by RESEO, the European Network for Opera and Dance Education.


All applications must be submitted by 15 July 2014, 17:00 CET.

For further information, please visit the official website.

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