The German-Polish-Russian Trilateral Forum in Munich, Germany

Deadline: 13 July 2014 (extended deadline)
Open to: young people aged 18-26 from Germany, Poland and Russia
Venue: 1 – 5 September 2014, Munich, Germany


Trilateral Youth Forum The German-Polish-Russian Trialogue: “Shared Challenges, Common Future?” will take place on 1- 5 September 2014 in Munich, Germany. 

The goal of the forum is to initiate an open dialogue between young people from Germany, Poland and Russia and to enable them to contribute to the development of sustainable relations between their countries. The forum in Munich offers a highly attractive programme including workshops, excursions and intriguing discussions with renowned figures in media, politics, culture and economy from Germany, Poland and Russia. The trilateral youth forum will be enriched by the contributions of the participants. After browsing through the programme of the forum please indicate in the application form on which topic you would like to give an impulse presentation.


Young people between 18 and 26 years from Germany, Poland and Russia who have taken on responsibility in politics or civil society; particular interest in the relations, cultures and current issues in and between the three countries is a plus.


Participants’ costs during the forum will be covered. Subject to pending funding decisions the organizers strive to partially compensate participants’ travel costs.

How to Apply

Apply by filling out the application form and sending your curriculum vitae. Please also write a short essay on the topic: “German-Polish-Russian relations in 2030” (max. 300 words in English) and send it to until 13 July 2014 (subject: Application Munich Trialogue, file names: CV_Surname First name; GPR_2030_Surname Name).

For further information visit the official website HERE.

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