Goethe-Institut’s Training for Cultural Journalists, Germany

Deadline: 10 May 2014
Open to: cultural journalists from Egypt, Algeria, Iraq, Yemen, Gulf States, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, and Tunisia, aged 25-35 years old
Venue: September-October 2014 in Berlin and Munich, Germany


The Goethe-Institut will offer a four-week training programme in Germany. Cultural reporting is an essential part of a journalist’s work. Dealing with cultural issues offers deep insight into societies.

The Goethe-Institut will offer an intensive training programme for cultural journalists from the Arab world in September and October for the third consecutive year. Participants will learn about basic approaches to cultural reporting during a four-week seminar phase in Berlin and Munich. Essential components of the programme include visits to cultural venues and cultural events, in each case followed by discussions with the organizers or artists. Participants will write several seminar blog entries during the training, sometimes about the same topic from different perspectives. The seminar and blog language is English.

The goal of the programme is to professionalize Arab cultural journalists, set up an Arab network between journalists and promote exchange between Germany and the Arab world. Eventually, two participants will swap their workplaces with German journalists for two weeks in the exchange programme.


The participants will be 10-15 journalists working in the print, online, radio or TV sector who are interested and experienced in cultural reporting. The participating countries are as follow: Egypt, Algeria, Iraq, Yemen, Gulf States, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, and Tunisia.

They must posses a professional experience of at least three years and be aged 25-35 years old. Very good knowledge of English is mandatory.


The costs for airfare, insurance and accommodation expenses and an allowance for the duration of the stay in Germany will be covered by the Goethe-Institut.


The application deadline is 10 May 2014.

Interested candidates must fill out the online application form.

For more information, please visit the official website.

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