Schwarzkopf Travel Grants for Young Europeans

Deadline: 1 September 2014
Open to: young Europeans aged between 18 and 26
Grant: 550 euros for a min. three and max. six weeks


The Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe offers young people the chance to get to know European neighbours as well as to become aware of current cultural or political developments of the respective country. The report must put the findings in relation to European politics. That means that the impact of a country’s EU membership (or its relation to the EU, in case of non-member-states) on the topic of the report has to be described. The trip has to be planned and carried out solely by the recipient and needs to last a minimum of three and a maximum of six weeks.


Citizens of Germany between the ages of 18 and 26 may apply for a trip in a European country. On the other hand, young Europeans between the ages of 18 and 26 from other countries than Germany may apply for a travel grant for Germany. The trip needs to have a specifically defined research topic regarding a current cultural or political development in the context of European integration. It needs to be explained and elaborated in the application. The applicant should also state what methods are envisaged to address the topic (e.g. interviews, etc). A later substantial change of the topic would need to be approved by the Foundation.


The travel grant amounts to € 550 (five hundred and fifty Euros), where 400 € will be paid at the beginning of the journey and 150 € after presenting a report. Not later than three months after the journey the stipendiary is requested to submit a detailed report of at least 10 DIN A4 pages. Read more about the Terms and Conditions. Invoices providing residence in the travel country will have to be enclosed to the report.


Applications can be submitted by post or via email. Make sure you include the following documents:

  • a tabular curriculum vitae;
  • a definition of the research topic and justification of the choice of the country;
  • details on the envisaged methods to address the research topic as well as the planned travel route;
  • a completed and signed application form;
  • a signed form on the terms and conditions.

The deadline to apply is 1 September 2014.

The official web-site.

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