Traineeship program: Junior Professionals in Delegations (JPD)

Deadline: 3 March, 2014
Open to: talented and promising junior university post-graduates who hold at least a Masters Degree from the EU member states; applicants should show a great interest and motivation for the mission entrusted to delegations, sharing the values and principles of the EU
Remuneration: Trainees will get a monthly basic grant of 1,300 EUR, as well as a monthly accommodation contribution of 1,000 EUR to which a monthly hardship contribution will be added, plus other benefits


Following the phasing out of the Junior Experts in Delegation (JED) programme by the end of 2012, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (High Representative) and the European Commission (Commission) decided to establish a successor regime from 2013 to continue to attract highly qualified junior professionals from the EU Member States in the European Union Delegations (Delegations).

Joint Decision of the Commission and the High Representative establishing a High Level Traineeship Programme in the Delegations of the European Union and theRules Governing this Programme in Partnership with the Member States of the European Union (EU) was adopted on 12.06.2012. This Joint Decision has been further specified by a Decision of the Chief Operating Officer of the European External Action Service (EEAS) on the Implementing Rules of the High Level Traineeship Programme  which was adopted on 22/01/2014.

Applicants are strongly invited to read carefully both decisions before applying to this traineeship programme!

The purpose of this programme is to enable talented and promising junior university post-graduates who hold at least a Masters degree from the EU Member States to gain first-hand experience in the work of Delegations and a deeper insight into their role in the implementation of EU external relations policies, including the Common Foreign Security Policy (CFSP).


The programme is open to those trainees (JPD) showing a great interest and motivation for the mission entrusted to Delegations, sharing the values and principles of the European Union and committed to defend the latter and the place of the European Union in the World.

Staff in the Delegations shall comprise EEAS staff and, where appropriate for the implementation of the European Union budget and European Union policies other than those under the remit of the EEAS, Commission staff. The whole staff in a Delegation is placed under the authority of a Head of Delegation, Ambassador. Junior Professionals in Delegation will similarly be deployed, depending the nature of their functions and tasks, in both the EEAS sections of the Delegations (for political, press and information functions) and in those under the authority of the Commission (aid management, trade, economic issues, etc.).

The traineeship placements are financed through 2 folders:

  • an “EU folder” financed by the credits of the EEAS and of the Commission; the EEAS financing will only cover placements within sections or functions under its direct authority while the Commission credits will finance placements within sections or functions under its authority;
  • a “bilateral folder” financed by voluntary financial contributions of partner EU Member States on the basis of bilateral sponsoring agreements with the EEAS and/or the Commission. Such contributions may finance placements within sections under the authority of the EEAS and/or the Commission.

Trainees are offered:

Under this programme selected candidates might be offered a single traineeship agreement of a fixed-term of nine (9) months. A renewal of the agreement for another period of nine (9) months may be offered. Hence, eighteen (18) consecutive months maximum.

Trainees or “JPD” will get a monthly basic grant of 1,300 EUR, as well as a monthly accommodation contribution of 1,000 EUR to which a monthly hardship contribution will be added. Overall, trainees will receive a monthly package within a range of +/- 2,300 EUR to +/- 3,000 EUR, depending on the place of the traineeship. Further financial contributions are foreseen: 2,000 EUR installation contribution, 2,500 EUR contribution towards the cost of the journey and 500 EUR contribution towards the cost of the insurance premium.

How to Apply?

There are 2 parallel pre-selection processes: one for the EEAS and one for the Commission.

Applications have to be introduced solely according to the standard APPLICATION FORM.

Applications shall be sent exclusively to relevant EU Member States contact points. Any spontaneous application sent directly to the EEAS or to the Commission will be rejected.

The modalities for presenting applications to the respective national authorities are determined by the EU Member States and should in principle be made available on their relevant websites and/or at the addresses of their contact points

Deadline for applications to EU Member States is 3 March, 2014

For more detailed information and timeline for the 2014 selection read please direct to the OFFICIAL WEBPAGE.

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