European Drug Prevention Prize for Youth Projects

Deadline: 30 March 2014
Open to: drug prevention projects taking place in Algeria, Israel, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia or one of the Council of Europe member states
Award: a trophy, a diploma and a prize-money of €5,000


The European Drug Prevention Prize was launched for the first time in 2004. It is awarded every two years to three drug prevention projects that fully involve young people, either in the development and implementation of activities, the decision-making, the project management and/or the evaluation. Particular attention will be given to the innovative approaches, specifically to the modern means of communication such as video, Internet, mobile phone and text messaging.

The definition of ‘drugs’ is illegal drugs; alcohol; tobacco; volatile substances (glues, gases, aerosols, etc); and prescription and over-the-counter medicines when they are misused. However, it is likely that successful applications will have some element of their work addressing illegal drugs specifically. With ‘drug prevention’ is meant: the prevention of the misuse of drugs by a range of methods. Interdiction (the control of supply by law enforcement, etc) and treatment activities are not included.


All 47 Council of Europe member states, Israel, Morocco, observer States as well as countries from the southern rim of the Mediterranean which are members of the Pompidou Group’s Mediterranean network for co-operation on drugs and addictions (MedNET) (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia) are invited to participate.

The Pompidou Group is awarding this Prize to highlight good-quality drug prevention projects that have proved success in practice in involving young people. In general, it aims to encourage the development of drug prevention work in which youth is participating actively. The youth must be under the age of 25 years and be involved in the work of the project. There is no lower age limit.

The project must be run by more than one person and have some formal structure, for example a management committee or steering group. Projects can be government sponsored, run by NGOs (non-governmental organisations), in the private sector, or organised by local communities. Projects do not have to be funded to be eligible-they can be entirely voluntary.


The prize-winners each receive a trophy, a diploma and a prize-money of €5,000. An award ceremony will be held during the Pompidou Group Ministerial Conference to take place in autumn 2014.


The deadline for submission is 30 March 2014.

Drug prevention-related projects are invited to be submitted to the Jury via the Pompidou Group’s Secretariat. The entries will be judged by a Jury composed of 7 young people from Pompidou Group member states, which is supported by an advisory group of experts.

If you are interested in this call, you must download the application form. Fill in the application form in English or French, the official languages of the Council of Europe. Then, submit the application form by e-mail to the Secretariat (

For further information, please visit the official website.

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