‘Young Community Leaders’ Training Course, Macedonia

Deadline: 25 January 2014
Open to: young people from Macedonia, Greece, Romania, Hungary, Portugal, Bulgaria, Turkey, Croatia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, Albania and Bosnia
Venue: 15-24 March 2014, Macedonia


Roma Youth Centre is Roma youth led organization working on the empowerment of youngsters, to help them be active part of the civic society and the community they live in, to represent the voice of the new generation as potential of tomorrow.

The Training course “Young Community Leaders”  is to help youth workers and leaders meet challenges of the future, overcome obstacles and become leaders so that they can make a difference and influence in their local communities for and with marginalized youth. They will learn specific leadership skills as: negotiation, public speaking, debating, communication skills.

The TC is designed as a mutual learning situation. The programme and contents are organized so as to encourage participation, shared leadership and responsibility of the group, while using active and participatory methods. The
programme of the training course will provide space for individual as well as group reflection and debate, furthermore, take into account the experience of participants before.

The main theme of the training course well be:

  • Communication;
  • Motivation;
  • Facilitation and idea generation;
  • Group dynamics;
  • Project management;
  • Intercultural cooperation.


The training is for young people MOTIVATED, INTERESTED to develop idea for local initiative and READY for local changes from: Macedonia, Greece, Romania, Hungary, Portugal, Bulgaria, Turkey, Croatia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, Albania and Bosnia.


The hosting organization will cover full board and lodging costs, and 70% of travel costs, after providing original invoices, tickets, boarding passes…

Participation fee is 15 €.


All interested young people should complete the application form and send to the organisation no later than 25 January 2014 by e-mail: info_romayouthcentre@yahoo.com. All selected participants will be informed by e-mail.

Contact for questions: Anife Sabedinovska, E-Mail: info_romayouthcentre@yahoo.com, Phone: +38971376674

For more information read the Infopack HERE.

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