BayernMUN – Model UN Conference in Germany

Deadline: 31 January 2014
Open to: people interested to represent diplomatic interest of their country in a large committee
Venue: 21 – 23 February 2014, Neuendettelsau, Germany


Experience the tense atmosphere in a large committee. Practice negotiating together with a committee partner. Enhance your negotiation tactics and presentation skills.

bayernMUN is a Model UN conference that offers first-class facilities, challenging topics, a competent Chair, an environment conducive to professional negotiations and a chance to prove your skills to recruiters and even to find a job.

bayernMUN offers a unique Model UN experience by allowing you to work and negotiate together with a colleague delegate, representing the diplomatic interest of your chosen country in a large committee. The competent conference staff will ensure fair and interesting negotiations, always with an open ear for your needs.

  • Effective teamwork with your partner
  • Self-confidence in negotiations with large groups of delegates
  • Routine with the Rules of Procedure
  • Delivering speeches in front of a large committee
  • Enjoying the company of many like-minded students in the same situation as yours

The 2014 bayernMUN conference will be held in Neuendettelsau (near Nuremberg) between February 21st – 23rd 2014. The provisional agenda of the 2014 bayernMUN conference includes:

  1. Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms While Countering Terrorism
  2. Promoting Sustainable Development Practices in Transnational Corporations
  3. Addressing the Custom of Child Marriage and its Impact on Girls

To make this variety of topics accessible in a single committee, the bayernMUN conference will be simulating a General Assembly Plenary session. Contrary to NMUN, it will operate with its own agenda.

Please adhere to the dress code and code of conduct of the United Nations. Western business attire and diplomatic decorum is mandatory during sessions. The Chair reserves the right to sanction violations of dress code and code of conduct to ensure a smooth and professional conference.

bayernMUN hosts a select range of companies that are interested in motivated and internationally educated students: As a delegate, you will be able to find internships or even job positions.


This Model UN conference is open to young people interested in representing the diplomatic interests of their country in a large committee.


The fee of 129EUR includes participation, conference materials, first-class accommodation, full board, snacks and beverages during sessions and even job opportunities! Groups of 8 delegates or more may be eligible for a small discount, please contact the organizers for further information.


Please use the online registration form HERERegistration ends 31 January 2014. Participation with a committee partner is highly encouraged, as it will provide you with valuable teamwork experience and practice. In this case, registration of both delegates is necessary.

If you have any questions concerning bayernMUN, feel free to contact

Read the official call for applications HERE.

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