6th World Youth Forum "Right to dialogue", Trieste, Italy

Deadline: 23 August 2013
Open to: young people from associations, clubs, artistic and cultural groups, teachers, youth workers, 18-35 years old
Venue: 4 – 6 October 2013, Trieste, Italy


Association Poesia e Solidarietà, Study and Documentation Centre for Youth Culture – University of Trieste announce call for papers for the 6th edition of World Youth Forum “Right to Dialogue” that will take place between 4 – 6 October 2013 in Trieste, Italy.

The Forum is created within the network of the International Poetry Competition “Castello di Duino – Poetry and Solidarity Language of the Peoples”, which has so far involved thousands of young people from more than 90 countries all around the world. It pursues several goals:

  • to affirm the “right to dialogue” as a fundamental right;
  • to promote the meeting between different experiences as an essential condition for the right to dialogue
  • to accept and emphasize the different levels in facing the problems, according to ages and diversities
  • to address young people and their conscious self-acknowledgment as responsible subjects and leading class of the future
  • to address young people as the most important partners for the building of solidarity-based and open-minded cultural models
  • to improve the consciousness that the dialogue should be a dialogue between subjects, generations and cultures

The theme of the Global Youth Forum is “Global/ City”. That means to understand the problems posed by globalization as our problems as citizens of a particular country and territory, learning to intertwine experiences and knowledge in order to build communities consciously participant of the “Global Dimension”: in so far this really affects the life of people, who have to interact on multiple levels.

The treatment of this topic is absolutely free and can be developed on the base of personal experiences lived by each participant in their own Country of origin (experiences in the work place, or in institutions, at school, university, in private life, or through reflections about history, art…).

Suggested traces for the debate:

1) Air Water Fire Earth: Elements & Ecosystem – The problems of Ecosystem are experienced in everyday life, differently in different places: which knowledge and which perspectives, which expectations and commitment in front of these problems.

2) Being Citizen in the Global/City: new duties, new rights, new commitment – To confront with the past and to find differences: these are steps of a way, which everyone covers as protagonist stating duties and rights.

3) New Citizenship between Knowledge and Solidarity. Experiences – In the global/city solidarity can not be without knowledge and knowledge may derive from solidarity. Global citizenship is grounded on knowledge which promotes the commitment for solidarity to a new dignity and meanings.

4) Global/city in the arts – Arts as expression of “citizenship” in various epochs and cultures.


Participants must be 18 to 35 years of age. Justified exceptions are accepted. The Forum is open to associations, clubs, artistic and cultural groups composed by young people, or particularly dedicated to young people. Furthermore, it is open to all those who deal with social issues or voluntary work. Youth workers, families and teachers are particularly invited to accept as an input for reflections the demands, contradictions, hopes, disenchantment expressed by young people as well as the proposals, the analysis and their noble naivety.


It is possible to participate as speakers or as audience. Accomodation for 4 nights (from 3rd to 6th, check out on the 7th October) is provided for free only for the speakers. Meals are not covered, however the organisation arranged some cheap opportunities.

All people who want to participate in the Forum are recommended to search for sponsorship in their own countries for travel expenses and to find the cheapest way to travel. Compatibly with financial availability and on the case that travel costs are not paid by other institutions the Association can consider providing reimbursement of travel expenses for speakers:

  •  Up to 100 Euro for speakers coming from Italy (proportionate to covered distances)
  •  Up to 200 Euro for speakers coming from European Countries (proportionate to covered distances)
  •  Up to 300 Euro for speakers coming from Italy (proportionate to covered distances)

Please contact the Association (valeragruber@alice.it) in order to organize your travel!


The request to participate to the Forum should be sent to valeragruber@alice.it preferably by 23 August 2013. Later applications can be however taken into consideration and accepted. To submit a paper send please the title and a short abstract. The selected speakers will be asked to send their full paper by 15 September 2013.

For more information please read the official call and visit the official website.

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