Deadline: 30 September 2013
Open to: PhD students, early-stage researchers and practitioners who primarily deal with skills and labour market analysis
Venue: Brussels, Belgium from 25 to 27 November, 2013
The Integrating Expertise in Inclusive Growth (InGRID) invites PhD students, early-stage researchers and practitioners to apply for the ‘New skills and occupations in Europe: Challenges and possibilities’ winter school which will take place in Brussels, at CEPS in the period of 25-27 November 2013. It is designed to give participants a clear understanding of the role of new skills and new occupations in European labour markets. New skills have potential to further promote inclusive growth in various ways. However, there are worries that European labour markets will suffer from skill-to-occupation mismatch. The winter school will be student-centred, providing participants opportunities to discuss and develop their own projects, either as doctoral students or as post-docs/early-career researchers. There will be parallel possibilities to work as part of a short-term research team, identifying research opportunities, questions, strategies and methodologies.
The programme is tailored to:
- master’s and PhD students wishing to acquire interdisciplinary competences in labour market and new skills analysis
- practitioners who primarily deal with skills and labour market analysis
- others with experience or an interest in undertaking interdisciplinary research in skills analysis and measurement
Travel costs up to a maximum of €400 and accommodation fees will be reimbursed, refreshments and lunches will usually be provided during the meeting. Other costs for lunches or dinners, not provided by the organisers, will not be reimbursed.
Candidates should fill in the application form including a short statement of motivation and abstract of a paper or research task related to new skills in Europe. Deadline for applying 30 September 2013.
For further information please visit the official website.