Political Youth Work Training in Skopje, Macedonia

Deadline: 18 August 2013
Open to: participants from Macedonia, Belgium, Serbia, Kosovo, Albania, Croatia, Montenegro, Sweden, and Turkey
Venue: 16-23 September 2013 in Skopje, Macedonia


Young European Federalists – JEF-Europe and JEF-Macedonia have now opened a call for participants for the “Training for Trainers for Political Youth Work,” which will take place in Skopje, Macedonia between 16-23 September 2013. 

The training is directly fostering the development of a sense of ownership of the European Union among the young people. By introducing a new generation of political youth work trainers to the topic of Europe, the training directly raises European awareness. The theme of the training is to provide a space for sharing and developing new concepts of political youth work as the basic precondition for youth participation and European citizenship processes.


The training is open for participants coming from Macedonia, Belgium, Serbia, Kosovo, Albania, Croatia, Montenegro, Sweden, and Turkey.


Participation fee:

  • €50 for JEF-members 
  • €70 for non-members

The fee includes 7 nights in hotel with 3 meals per day (from 16 September dinner to 23 September lunch) and it will have to be paid via bank transfer within one week after the confirmation of selection.

70 percent of travel costs will be reimbursed.


Apply online HERE by filling the application form. Deadline is 18 August 2013.

For more information please contact info@jef.eu and read the official call HERE.

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