Fellowships at the Centre for Global Cooperation Research, Germany

Deadline: 20 August 2013
Open to: International researchers interested in trans/ interdisciplinary research, critical and culturally diverse perspectives on global cooperation
Fellowship: the fellows are to receive a competitive stipend commensurate with the applicant’s level of professional experience


The Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research is an independent research institution of the University of Duisburg-Essen whose main focus is on the cultural premises and dynamics of emergent governance structures in current world society and analyzing the possibilities for global cooperation.  The four research units of the Centre focus on (1) The (Im)Possibility of Cooperation, (2) Global Cultural Conflicts and TransculturalCooperation, (3) Global Governance Revisited, and (4) Paradoxes and Perspectives of Democratisation.

The Centre invites applications for fellowships starting in April 2014. This call is open for people working on „Culture“ as a limit and/or a resource for global cooperation.Within this research topic, it is intend to overcome ‘substantialist’ views of culture (as a civilisational substance) as well as ‘residualist’ views (culture as a black box). The research question can be approached from different disciplinary angles and shall be elaborated in a multi- and interdisciplinary setting. For further information please read the official call.


The Centre looks in particular for researchers who are interested in:

a) trans- and interdisciplinary research
b) critical and culturally diverse perspectives on global cooperation
c) innovative methodological approaches and experimental ways to do and discuss their research.


The Centre will offer six to eight fellowships across the four research units lasting from six to twelve months. The fellowships entail office space in fully equipped offices and a competitive stipend commensurate with the applicant’s level of professional experience.


Applications should include:

  • Cover letter
  • CV
  • List of publications
  • Short presentation of the proposed research programme (3-5 pages) plus two or three respective publications.

Please indicate for which period you would like to come and mention at which level (Postdoc, Fellow, Senior Fellow) you wish to apply. Please indicate to which research unit your research project might fit best.

Applications should be emailed to fellowship-applications@gcr21.uni-due.de. The deadline for application is the 20th of August 2013.

For further information please visit the official website.

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