Global Alliance for Justice Education Conference

Deadline: 1 July 2013 to receive a travel grant or 15 November 2013 to receive a fee waiver
Open to: those interested in justice education, law, social change, and particularly teachers with 5 or less years of clinical teaching experience.
Venue: 10-18 December 2013 in Delhi, India


The Global Alliance for Justice Education (GAJE) announces that REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN for its 7th Worldwide Conference. The conference will take place in two parts: the first part (10-14 December 2013) will be held at the Jindal Global Law School of the OP Jindal Global University, located in Sonipat, outside Delhi; the second part (16-18 December 2013) will be held at the National Law University—Delhi in the New Delhi district of Dwarka.

The first part of the conference will explore a variety of themes though a mix of plenary and small-group concurrent sessions, with an emphasis on interactive presentations by justice educators from around the world. Free housing will be provided for all delegates on the Jindal Global University campus in order to encourage informal exchanges. The second part of the conference will be a three-day training of trainers (TOT) session designed for relatively new clinical teachers, led by an international group of highly experienced justice educators. The target group for the training is teachers with five or less years of clinical teaching experience. Housing options for the TOT will be available soon and will not be included in the registration fee.

The overarching theme is reflected in the title of the Conference: “Advancing Justice Education through Global Commitments and Connections.” The following sub-themes (streams) will be explored during the first part of the conference at Jindal Global Law School:

  • Legal Empowerment and Economic Justice For Rural and Marginalized Communities
  • Health and Environmental Justice
  • Human Rights and Rule of Law
  • Gender Justice, Equality and Violence Against Women and Children
  • Legal Ethics, Professional Responsibility, and Promotion of Pro Bono
  • Legal Literacy (Street Law, Legal Awareness and Citizen Participation)
  • ADR and Informal Justice Systems
  • New Initiatives in Justice Education

Throughout the full conference delegates will be able to explore innovative ideas for promoting justice education through new and existing university legal clinics as well as in other aspects of the law school curriculum. The aim of the conference structure is to facilitate as much participation as possible by those attending. While there will be a small number of plenary sessions, including a few keynote speeches, most of the conference will consist of small group sessions, interactive workshops, and other opportunities for sharing ideas, teaching materials and exercises, etc. There will also be organized site visits to local justice education projects and a social calendar.


The fee for the first part of the conference at the Jindal Global Law School is 375 US dollars (which includes accommodations on the JGU campus, as well as all meals during the conference and two special conference dinners); the fee for Training of Trainers workshop during the second part of the conference at NLU-Delhi is an additional 75 US dollars (which also includes most meals and a workshop dinner but not housing). The fees will increase to 450 US dollars for the first part and 100 US dollars for the second part after 30 October 2013.

Persons who cannot pay the full conference fee can request a fee waiver/reduction by completing the Fee Waiver/Reduction form available HEREThe last day to submit a request for a fee waiver or reduction is 15 November 2013.

GAJE has a limited amount of funds to support travel (and accommodation expenses during the Training of Trainers workshop) for delegates from less developed countries. Travel grants will generally be given only to persons playing a specific role at the conference, such as a session organizer, program speaker, or workshop leader. To apply for a grant, complete the Grant Request form available HERE. GRANT APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY 1 JULY 2013.

The organizers will provide a variety of low-cost housing options during the second part of the conference at the National Law University-Delhi, including accommodations on the NLU-Delhi campus and at various hotels nearby. THE COST OF THIS HOUSING IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE REGISTRATION FEE. Details on reserving these accommodations will be published on the GAJE website when available.

GAJE has organized six worldwide conferences, as well as a number of regional conferences in collaboration with other national and regional clinical organizations. Reports on GAJE’s first six worldwide conferences can be found HERE.


Those interested in justice education, law, social change, and particularly teachers with 5 or less years of clinical teaching experience.


To register for the conference, complete the online registration form available HERE.

There is also a form available HERE for submitting a proposal for a session during the first part of the conference. Session proposals must be submitted by 1 July 2013, with a target date for sending out notices of accepted proposals in the middle of July. GAJE, however, will not be able to finalize the date or time allocation for any particular session until all proposals have been reviewed and acceptances have been confirmed. (The curriculum for the Training of Trainers workshop during the second part of the conference will be fixed by the organizers and therefore proposals are not being solicited for that part of the conference.)

Do not forget to complete the Fee Waiver/Reduction form available HERE and the Travel Grant Request form available HERE by 1 July 2013.

For more information, please see the official website HERE.

2 thoughts on “Global Alliance for Justice Education Conference

    1. Dear Jahon,

      No geographical restrictions were specified with the application, so we assume that you may attend. However, you should direct your question to the organizers to be completely certain.

      Kind regards,
      Mladiinfo team

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