M Literary Residency in China & India

Deadline: 1 June 2013
Open to: applicants over 21 years old writing in English from any country
Residency: travel costs, accommodations and meals in Shanghai or Bangalore, plus $1,000 stipend to cover living costs


The M Literary Residency Programme has been established to disseminate a broader knowledge of contemporary life and writing in India and China today and to foster deeper intellectual, cultural and artistic links across individuals and communities. The intent of the Residency is to provide space and time primarily for writing and location-specific research.

Applicants may apply for ONE of two M Literary Residencies:

  • Bangalore, India: A 10 week residency at Sangam House, in a rural setting near Bangalore, South India from late 2014 to early 2015.
  • Shanghai, China: A 10-12 week residency in Shanghai. The residency must be taken up before March 1st, 2015.

The successful applicants will have his/her transportation costs to and from the residencies covered by the M Residency. They will also receive a total stipend of US$1,000 to cover additional living costs during their stay. Applicants are responsible for their own travel and/or medical insurance and travel visas.


Bangalore: a single room and three meals a day will be provided. The accommodation is in a rural village, which some might consider isolated, so applicants should be seeking a period of quiet, sustained work. The residency is not a base from which to travel from.

Shanghai: a studio-style apartment and a stipend towards the cost of meals will be provided. Accommodation will be centrally located and in the thick of a noisy city. Whilst it is intended that the writer should be seeking a period of sustained work, it must be noted that this will probably not be happening in very quiet surroundings. The residency is not a base from which to travel from.

The accommodation provided in Bangalore and Shanghai is suitable only for single occupancy.

The M Literary Residency aims to encourage interaction between talented artists and local communities and to foster an interest in the arts within the local communities of the host countries. The successful candidate must agree to participate in at least two events within the local community during their stay. This could be a talk or workshop at a school, college or at M’s Literary Salon (for Shanghai residents). Details will be worked out between the fellow and M Residency staff.

For more details, please see the Guidelines and Application Procedures HERE.


The applicant does not need to be a published author – unpublished writers are welcome to apply. There are no nationality restrictions for applications. However, applicants should be over 21 years old and be writing in English. Past applicants are welcome to reapply.

Applications will be accepted in the following genres only:

  • fiction
  • non-fiction
  • poetry
  • dramatic prose


Applications must be submitted by SATURDAY 1 JUNE 2013 AT MIDNIGHT CHINA TIME. No late applications will be considered. Your application should include:

  1. A completed M Residency Programme Application Form AVAILABLE HERE
  2. One of the following Proofs of Identification: copy of passport, driving license or ID card (format: jpeg/pdf & less than 10mb)
  3. Project Synopsis and Statement of Intent: The Synopsis should detail the project that you intend to work on during the residency. The Statement of Intent should detail how and why the location will benefit your project, and how the residency itself will be of benefit to you. Combined word count, MUST NOT exceed 1,500 words.
  4. Support Materials: Please submit TWO samples of work in the genre of your chosen project for the residency: short stories, essays, an extract from a novel or play. The total word count of the two pieces combined MUST NOT exceed 2,500 words.
  5. Two Referees, including their contact details, to whom the Residency Administrator may write to. The referee does not need to work in a literary capacity but needs to know the candidate well.

Applications should be emailed to the Residency Administrator at mliteraryresidency@m-restaurantgroup.com. They will acknowledge your application within two working days of receiving it with a confirmation email and an application number. Results will be announced on 15 October 2013.

For more information, see the Facebook page HERE and the official website HERE.

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