Summer Course on International Protection of Human Rights, Poland

Deadline: 31 May, 2013
Open to: young activists in the field of human rights, NGO workers and volunteers, lawyers, researchers and advanced students from all over the world
Venue:  2nd – 11th of September 2013, Poznań (Poland)


Since 1992, the Summer Course on International Protection of Human Rights has been organized by the Poznań Human Rights Centre, which was joined by the Adam Mickiewicz University in 2006. Meanwhile, it has become one of the most recognized human rights short-term courses held in Central and Eastern Europe. Till present, the Course has educated more than 400 graduates acting actively in the domain of human rights. Council of Europe and Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe have been among partners of this course.


The main purpose of the Course is to educate young people in human rights at the academic level and help them to develop skills to act in the human rights field. Since 2007, the Course has undergone a process of specialization. It is now combining two substantive streams:

  1. General Course on Human Rights – students have the opportunity to acquire profound and systematic knowledge of various aspects of the United Nations and European systems of the human rights protection;
  2. Minority Protection Course – the curriculum embraces lectures on the United Nations and European legal instruments, mechanisms and procedures serving the protection of national and ethnic minorities.  In the framework of this specialization, the organizers intend to select best students from the courses who in the intervals of three years will form a group to be invited to specialized high-level training in conflict resolution/mediation.


The Course is dedicated to young activists in the field of human rights, NGO workers and volunteers, lawyers, researchers and advanced students from all over the world.

A law degree is not required, however all candidates must prove deep interest in human rights issues.

Among all applications the group of 25-30 participants is selected.


Fees: the registration fee is 300€. Organizers provide participants with accommodation in double rooms in a student hostel, meals (breakfast and lunch) and teaching materials. Upon specific requests the registration fee may be reduced. A limited number of grants is available to applicants in principle from the target group, subject to the availability of resources.

How to apply

In order to apply please send following documents by e-mail:

  • Application form;
  • Letter of recommendation;
  • CV.

Deadline is 31th of May 2013.

The applicants will be informed whether they have been admitted to the Course before 30 June 2013. For any further information please contact PhD Witold Sobczak, (only by e-mail: Director of the Course.

Application form is available here

Application for financial aid is available here

Course Information

The Official Website

11 thoughts on “Summer Course on International Protection of Human Rights, Poland

  1. Hello,

    what should I do if my e-mails with application form keep returning as undelivered? I tried also another e-mail address of the Poznań Human Rights Centre, but it's not working either.

  2. Hi there, I have also finalized and tried to upload and send but get errors problem. Is the address is working? Please recommend me seems deadline will pass hope there will be some consideration from administration.?

  3. I resent the application and it seems the e-mail contact is working now as I have not received any "mail delivery failed" notice. Plus I found an announcement on the Poznan Human RIghts centre official website that the deadline for application for the summer course has been extended until 15 June.

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