Three Post-Doctoral Fellowship Positions at the University of Gothenburg

Deadline: 25 April 2013
Open to: Applicants with a Swedish doctoral degree or a foreign degree corresponding to a Swedish doctoral degree (from all disciplines)
Remuneration: Determined on an individual basis


Research on public opinion and democracy is one of five areas of strength at the University of Gothenburg. Research in the area is highly dynamic and consists of leading international scholars with extensive collaborations with colleagues in Europe and the U.S. The area of strength is located at the Faculty of Social Sciences, and within the Faculty the Department of Political Science serves as the base. The network consists of researchers from several disciplines, including, the Department of Psychology, the Department of Media, Journalism and Communication, the Department of Sociology, Social Medicine (Sahlgrenska Academy) and Environmental System Analysis (Chalmers). The purpose is to promote multidisciplinary research on public opinion. An additional purpose is to create opportunities for innovative data collection relevant to the field.

The research is substantially organized around four broad themes:

(I) Responsiveness and Sustainable democracy
(Ii) The Welfare State and Sustainable Democracy
(Iii) The Environment and Sustainable Democracy
(Iv) Crisis Communication and Sustainable Democracy

The area of strength has created a special infrastructure for data collection, LORe, the Laboratory of Opinion Research, whose core is the Swedish Citizen Panel (a standing panel of approximately 12,000 respondents particularly well suited for survey-based experiments and repeated panel studies). Providers are now looking for three postdocs in order to further strengthen the multi-disciplinary research on public opinion at the University of Gothenburg.

Specific subject description

Research on public opinion is central to the understanding of representative democracy and democratic developments. Postdocs can be seated at any department at the University of Gothenburg. In the application, the applicant must specify the desired department and justify its proposal on the basis of the potential for multi-disciplinary research (description of potential partners, link to an existing research group etcetera). Holders have opportunity to collect original data through LORe.

Job assignments

The responsibilities consist mainly of own research. Successful applicants will be expected to develop their own ideas, related to the specified topics, and communicate their scientific results both orally and in writing. Teaching and supervision of students may be required (a maximum of 20 % of the total work time). Successful applicants will also be expected to actively contribute to the research environment of opinion and democracy research.


Salary is determined on an individual basis.


To qualify as a postdoctoral fellow, the applicant must have completed a Swedish doctoral degree or must have a foreign degree corresponding to a Swedish doctoral degree. Preference will be given to candidates who have been awarded the degree no more than three years before the application deadline and who have not held a post-doc position within the same or similar subject area at the University of Gothenburg for more than one year. Applicants with a degree obtained earlier than the stipulated three years may be preferred if special reasons exists. Special reasons in this context include, but are not limited to, leave due to illness and parental leave. We welcome applicants from all disciplines.

The applicants must have finished their PhD-degree by the end of the application deadline.

Application procedure

Please apply online. Applicants are recommended to contact one or several potential host Departments at the University of Gothenburg to discuss possible research collaborations.

Please submit the following with your application:

  1. Draft research plan (maximum 3 pages) including the applicants preferred Department. The research plan should include a description of how the applicant intends to contribute to the development of multidisciplinary research on public opinion.
  2. A list of qualifications, including a list of publications (CV).
  3. A copy of the applicants doctoral certificate and a list on completed third-cycle courses.
  4. A selection of no more than five scientific publications and an explanation to the selection made.
  5. Evidence of other relevant experience, employment or other documents that the applicant deems relevant.
  6. Names and contact information for two references who are familiar with the applicants qualifications.

Complementary documents, such as publications, books should be sent to the following address:

University of Gothenburg
Department of Political Science
PO Box 711
S-405 30 Gothenburg

Reference number should be clearly stated when sending complementary documents.

More information can be obtained from the official website.

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