Comparative Conflict Studies Training Seminar, Serbia

Deadline: 1 December 2012
Open to: graduate students from all countries currently working on their PhD dissertation in post-conflict transformation, peace and conflict studies, Southeastern European studies and post-Yugoslav Balkan studies. Full scholarships AVAILABLE for citizens of the Balkans.
Venue: Belgrade, Serbia from 24 to 27 January 2013


The Center For Comparative Conflict Studies (CFCCS) Junior Scholars Training Seminar provides an opportunity for graduate students enrolled in an advanced academic degree, currently conducting academic research or in the writing stages, in the fields of Post-conflict Transformation, Peace and Conflict Studies, South Eastern European Studies and Post-Yugoslav Balkans Studies, to present their work and engage in an exchange of feedback and knowledge with other students and scholars. The CFCCS Junior Scholars Training Seminar, interdisciplinary in its nature, is dedicated to fostering research and academic exchange among young scholars in the Balkans.

The CFCCS Junior Scholars Training Seminar will take place at the Faculty of Media and Communications, Belgrade from January 24 – 27 2013 and will be conducted in English. With the support of the British Embassy in Belgrade, participation scholarships for eligible applicants from Balkan countries are available.

The training seminar will be limited to 15 participants. Students taking part in the training seminar will be offered the opportunity to present their work and engage in an exchange of feedback and knowledge with other students and scholars. Thematically the group will explore ways to bridge theory and practice and make more direct connections and interactions between academia and civil society sector.

The seminar will be led by 4 scholars and professors currently active in teaching and research in the fields of Balkan Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies, Post-conflict Transformation, Migration Studies etc:

  • Dr. Sabina Čehajić-Clancy (Sarajevo School of Science and Technology)
  • Dr. Jelena Tošić (University of Vienna)
  • Dr. Jelisaveta Blagojevic (FMK, Belgrade)
  • Dr. Orli Fridman (FMK & SIT Study Abroad, Belgrade)


Graduate students from all countries currently working on their PhD dissertation in the above mentioned fields are eligible to apply.

Graduate students, citizens of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia, enrolled in an advanced academic degree currently working on their PhD dissertation (enrolled in any university) are eligible to apply for full scholarship to cover the cost of their participation (including travel, accommodation and meal costs).

For scholarship eligibility, applicants citizens of the countries mentioned above may be enrolled in any academic institution worldwide.

They will accept proposals from applicants working on the following themes: (comparative research with other case studies may be considered as well)

  • Post-conflict Transformation, Reconciliation, Peace-building
  • Education for Peace, Civil Society, Transitional Justice
  • Transitions and EU Integration in the Context of Peace and Conflict Studies
  • Memory studies as related to post-Conflict and Post-Yugoslav studies
  • Politics of Otherness and Differences
  • Diversity and Multiculturalism
  • Migration and Forced Migration studies
  • Post-Conflict Inter and/or Intra Group Relations in the Successor States of the former Yugoslavia – Social Psychology and Peace


The completed application should be sent to Dunja Resanović at no later than 1 December 2012.

A complete application must include:

  • The Applicant’s CV (full contact information should be included: email address, address and self-phone number)
  • A two page abstract (written in English) based on original research
  • Letter of reference from an academic adviser (sent by email directly by the academic adviser).

Shortlisted students will be required to submit a 5-page paper by 21 December 2012.

For more information, please see the original call for papers HERE.

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