Winter School For Paediatricians, Poland

Deadline: 26 October, 2012
Open to: paediatricians who have entirely or partially completed their basic paediatric training and who are now either established in
Venue: Zamek Baranow Sandomierski (60 km from Rzeszow city), Poland, 15 – 21 February, 2013


ESPE (European Society for Paediatric Endoctrinology) Winter School is aimed to support paediatricians who have entirely or partially completed their basic paediatric training and who are now either established in, or intending to develop a deep and continuing interest in, paediatric endocrinology and diabetes.

The course will be held over 5 days (15 – 21 February, 2013) and will include interactive lectures by experienced ESPE members, with the aim of covering all main topics in paediatric endocrinology. These lectures will be supplemented by small group sessions to discuss teachers’ cases; and case presentations by the students. The course also includes an introduction into clinical research with presentation by students of research proposals and projects in small groups, and presentation of selected work to the plenum.


  • This year, applications from Poland and surrounding countries from Eastern Europe (Russia, Baltic States, Ukraine, Belarus, Slovakia, Czech Republic), also Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary, will be given preference.
  • The meeting will be conducted entirely in English and a good command of this language is a prerequisite.


Accommodation and meals will be provided free of charge, and travel grants will cover a train or reasonably priced plane ticket to Rzeszów railway station or airport. Travel fees will be remunerated in euros during the meeting.


  • Application form you can find on the ESPE website
  • Applications should be sent to the Winter School coordinator, Dr. Malcolm Donaldson, Glasgow, UK  not later than Friday October 26th, 2012.
  • Applications should include the application form, a CV and a letter of recommendation from the department director.
  • Applications must be submitted exclusively by e-mail. They will be assessed by the ESPE Winter School Steering Committee, and the ‘students’ will be notified of their acceptance by November 16th 2012.

You can check details here


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