Training Programme for Junior Experts in the EU Delegations

Deadline: 19th September
Open to: citizens of EU member states
Remuneration: trainees will receive a monthly package within a range of +/- 2.300 EUR to +/- 3.000 EUR, depending the place of the traineeship.

The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and the European Commission decided to establish a successor regime from 2013 to continue to attract highly qualified junior professionals from Member States in the European Union Delegations.
The purpose of this programme is to enable junior talented university post-graduates, who hold at least a Masters Degree from the Member States of the EU, to gain first-hand experience in the work of Delegations and of the EU external relations policies, including the Common Foreign Security Policy. The EEAS plans to commit in 2013 credits covering the expenses of 2 JPD/traineeship positions per Member State ( a total of 54 JPD for all Member States)

To be eligible for this programme the applicants must:

-have citizenship of an EU Member State.
-be not more than 30 years of age on 1 January of the year in which they are selected by the Commission
-have a University degree or equivalent qualification to a Master Degree, preferably in diplomacy, political analysis and reporting, EU policies in the fields of external relations, CFSP and CSDP, aid to cooperation and development (programming, management), economic issues and trade policy, press, communication and information, justice, freedom and security, rule of law, institutional developments, governance, environment, energy, agriculture and fisheries, rural development and infrastructure.
-have the capacity to communicate in the languages of the CFSP and external relations necessary for their integration into the professional environment in a Delegation. Knowledge of other EU languages or of a third language relevant for the EU external service is an asset.
-preference will be given to candidates with minimum one year, maximum four years professional experience (of which maximum one year with the European Commission).


Trainees or “JPD” will get a monthly basic grant of 1,300 EUR, as well as a monthly accommodation contribution of 1,000 EUR. Overall, trainees will receive a monthly package within a range of +/- 2.300 EUR to +/- 3.000 EUR, depending the place of the traineeship.Further expatriation benefits to cover travel, installation and insurances will be provided.

Selected candidates might be offered a single traineeship of nine (9) months. Traineeship can be renewed for another period of nine (9) months. The modalities for presenting applications to respective national authorities are determined by the Member States and should in principle be made available on their relevant websites  and/or at the addresses of their contact points .

More details HERE

Application form

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