Junior Fellowships at the University of Konstanz, Germany

Deadline: 1 August, 2012
Open to: applicants that will work on various disciplines to work on
the theme of integration encourages women and disabled people
Fellowship: 6 months to a maximum of 12 months, up to 3000 Euros


The University of Konstanz belongs to the universities in Germany whose “Future concepts for top-class research at universities” is promoted within the framework of the Excellence Initiative of the
German federal and state governments. For the academic year 2013/14, the Center of Excellence is awarding
2 junior fellowships at the Konstanz Institute for Advanced Study.The fellowship period ranges from a minimum of 6 months to a maximum of 12 months.


Each year the Konstanz Institute for Advanced Study invited 20 scholars from various disciplines to work on
the theme of integration. The applications should be directly related to one of the Center’s four research fields (identification and the politics of identity; practices of knowledge and non-knowledge; the cultural modeling of hierarchy and violence; the cultural dynamics of religion). Applicants should have completed all Ph.D. requirements except thesis publication. The University of Konstanz is an equal opportunity employer and tries
to increase the number of women in research and teaching. The University of Konstanz has been certified by the Hertie Foundation to  be a family-friendly institution. The University is committed to further the compatibility of work and family life. The University of Konstanz encourages disabled persons to apply. They will be given preference if appropriately qualified.
The fellowship period ranges from a minimum of 6 months to a maximum of 12 months; stipend is up to EURO 3,500 monthly incl. supplement. Full-time residence is required.


The applications should be directly related to one of the Center’s four research fields. Required application documents as two separate PDF files:
* Exposé (maximum 12 pages) containing an outline of applicant’s research project. This exposé will be pre-evaluated in an anonymous procedure. For this reason, please refrain in the exposé from any references or information of a personal nature (age, origin, gender,etc.).
* Cover letter, curriculum vitae, publication list, and brief abstract of Ph.D thesis; an abstract of an additional book is optional. In the cover letter, please include a description of your particular motivation for pursuing your research in the framework of the Konstanz Institute for Advanced Study. In the publication list, please indicate the three most important publications.
For questions concerning the job profile, please send an e-mail to:
The University of Konstanz encourages disabled persons to apply. They will be given preference if appropriately qualified (contact + 49 (0) 7531 / 88 – 4895 ). Please send your application together with completed documents, in German or English, in electronic form (2 separate PDF files, the exposé without identification of applicant’s name), specifying reference number 2012/107 to: exc16apply@uni-konstanz.de.

The deadline is 01 August, 2012.

The Official Website

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