Training “Starting a Business” for Women

Deadline: 19 March 2012
Open to: women of Albanian ethnicity age 18-26 years
Costs: there is no participation fee


YES Foundation in cooperation with the National Council for Gender Equality announces the training “Starting a Business” that is part of the project “Increasing the employment rate of young women from ethnic minorities in Macedonia and Albania by increasing their competences for a self-employed job”.

The training “Starting a Business” will last four days and will cover the following modules: generation and evaluation of business idea, registration of a company, promotion, sales, setting a price, legal aspects and preparation of business plan.

The full agenda for the training can be found under the following link.


The trainings are designed for women of Albanian nationality.


Candidates who are interested have to complete the application form and have to send it to no later than 19.03.2012.


The best business plan of the group will receive a prize – financial support for realization of their business idea.

The Official Website

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