Erasmus Mundus Master in Food Innovation and Product Design (FIPDes), Europe

Deadline: 15 January 2012
Open to: Applicants with BSc degree or equivalent degree in food science and technology, biotechnology, process engineering, biochemistry or related fields with a number of prerequisites; English Proficiency
Scholarship: Category A Erasmus Mundus Scholarship – 48,000€ for the two-year course, Category B Erasmus Mundus Scholarship – 23,000€ for the two-year course


The Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Food Innovation and Product Design (EMMC-FIPDes) is scheduled over two academic years. The EMMC-FIPDes has been developed to train students who wish to contribute to the development of innovative, sustainable and healthy food products.

Succesfull FIPDes students will obtain a triple degree, i.e. National Master Degree certificates with a Joint Diploma Supplement from the four Universities. Graduates will be able to find positions in and outside Europe, either in their country or in a national branch of an international food brand. The official language of the EMMC-FIPDES course is English with ample opportunities to learn the local language and culture. In France some standard modules shared with national courses are in French.

The first year, students will attend the first semester at AgroParisTech (Paris, France) and the second semester at DIT (Dublin, Ireland). The second year, students will chose among three possible specialisations taking place at three different Universities: AgroParisTech (Paris, France), UNINA (Napoli, Italy) and Lund University (Lund, Sweden). During the fourth semester the MSc. Thesis training period can be carried out within the Consortium or in one of the Third Country associate members.

Fees and Scholarship

Fees for EU students: €4,000 per academic year / €8,000 for the whole master course. Fees for Non-EU students: € 8,000 per academic year / € 16,000 for the whole master course. The subscription fees are the same for all  students, irrespective of the chosen study track. The subscription fees include the following costs:

  • Registration at two or three universities
  • Participation costs of the introduction module
  • Insurance cost

EU students can apply for an Erasmus Mundus “category B” scholarship.
Non-EU students who have spent more than 12 months in the last five years in Europe are also eligible for an Erasmus Mundus “category B” scholarship. The scholarships are up to 23,000€. They cover:

  • university fees (8,000€ for the two years)
  • living expenses (€500/month) for 24 months
  • in the case of mobility in a partner university outside Europe for the M2 thesis, an additional grant of 3,000€ for the mobility and installation costs

Non-EU students can apply for an Erasmus Mundus “category A” scholarship. The scholarships are € 48,000 in total. They cover:

  • university fees (€16,000 for the two years)
  • living expenses (€1,000/month) for 24 months
  • travel and installation grant (€8,000 for the two years)

Category A scholarships can be awarded to any student selected by the consortium who fulfills the criteria listed below:

  • Students who are not EU residents
  • Students who have carried out their main activity (work, study, etc.) for less than a total of 12 months over the last 5 years in the EU.


The FIPDes consortium selects the students that meet the following formal admission conditions:

  • BSc degree or equivalent degree of at least 180 higher education credits in food science and technology, biotechnology, process engineering, biochemistry or related fields with a number of prerequisites (e.g. chemistry, biotechnology, process technology/engineering, biochemistry, mathematics, statistics) representing at least three years of study from a foreign institute of higher education.
  • Grade point average of at minimum 70% of the maximum score.
  • English language proficiency level (“B level”, advanced) demonstrated in one of the following ways:
    • TOEFL at level 575
    • Internet-based TOEFL 90
    • IELTS 6.5
    • Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency
    • Students with English as their mother tongue
    • Students who have completed a higher education degree with English as a medium of instruction
    • exemptions can exceptionnally be made for outstanding students with a lower English proficiency level
  • Respect of the application deadline.

How to apply?

Application to the EMMC-FIPDes programme is made with the online application tool. The following documents must be included in the application:

  • Completed application form (click here to access it)
  • Scan of Passport (with photo, date of expiry and personal details)
  • Curriculum Vitae (in European Format, see the Europass Website)
  • Letter of Motivation (please indicate at the end of your letter the name, institution and email of two persons who can give us further information about you)
  • Copy of BSc-degree or equivalent (Official copy required, certificates older than 2 years will not be accepted)
  • Translation of Diploma (if applicable, official translation in English or one of the languages of the Partner Universities)
  • Transcripts of academic records (official signed and stamped transcripts with explanation of the grading system, and, if applicable, official translation in English or one of the languages of the Partner Universities)
  • Two reference letters (signed and stamped; a form is available on the FIPDes website)
  • Proof of English Proficiency (for non-native speakers, at least one of the following : official test results, official University Certificate if English was your medium of Instruction, official certificate (from employer or other as applicable) if you have been resident in an English-speaking country for more than a year)
  • Not compulsory: abstract of thesis (summary of thesis you wrote for your BSc/MSc degree)

Please note that incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration. The application deadline for all the students is 15 January 2012.


FIPDes Secretary
AgroParisTech, Massy Center
1, av. des Olympiades, 91744 Massy cedex, France

Coordinator Dr. Barbara Rega
SPAB Department

For all inquiries please write an email to:

The Official Website


4 thoughts on “Erasmus Mundus Master in Food Innovation and Product Design (FIPDes), Europe

  1. I meen for this reat about Bugaria Faculty of Turismys and Hospitality.I finished secunadary education on school<mitko pendukliski,,kratovo Macedonia-hemicul tehnoloce and Faculty of Turismys and Hospitality Ohrid-gastronome.I was born in kratovo on 08.06.1980.I like internacional food Europen Union and drencing.

    1. Zdravo Borce,

      Bidejki Mladiinfo e samo web strana koja informira za raznite moznosti za stipendii koi postojat i samata ne dodeluva stipendii, bi te sovetuvala dokolu si zainteresiran konkretno za ovaa stipendija togas da si apliciras direktno na stranata na Univerzitetot.


  2. I am a Food and biochemical Technologist (BSc in 2002)with comilative result of 3.59 from Ethiopia Know working in BGI Ethiopia brewery as a shift leader. I have the dream to alivate food insecurity in Africa and for this objective i need to improve my self in further education.I am searching free scholarship in food processing and food related fields. Pleace save the life of millions by giving me thise opportunity.

    Thank You.

    1. Dear Gedefaw,

      Please note that Mladiinfo does not give scholarships or any financial support, but only informs about different opportunities. Click on the direct link to the official page above to apply for the program.

      Kind regards

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