Training Course: Get Involved, Romania

Deadline: 31 October 2011
Open to: Participants from Youth In Action Programme and Pre-accession Countries, EFTA Countries/EEA Member States
Costs: Hosting costs will be covered by the Romanian NA.

Salto-Youth invites you to Get Involved! training course from 22 to 27 November 2011. Participants will explore the concept of youth participation, learn about the YIA programme and learn how to set up their own Youth Democracy project. The objective is to enable them to develop and realise an Action 1.3 Youth Democracy project. The aim is the exploration of the concept of youth participation, the provision of knowledge regarding the Youth in Action programme and more specifically Action 1.3 and the development of necessary competences for realizing a youth democracy project.

The objectives of the training course are:

  • To explore the added value of Youth Democracy projects for the local community.
  • To acquire project management and communication competences.
  • To develop understanding about the principles of youth participation.
  • To learn about the Youth in Action Programme and especially about the quality criteria of Action 1.3 Youth Democracy projects.
  • To share and transfer experiences of activities undertaken in the local community.
  • To create a space for contact making and finding potential partners for Youth Democracy projects.
  • To develop an action plan to realise a Youth Democracy project.


This Training course is for 25 participants from Youth In Action Programme Countries, EFTA Countries/EEA Member States, Pre-accession Countries 


Hosting costs will be covered by the Romanian NA. In case your are selected, the sending costs for participants will be reimbursed by the sending NAs depending on the national regulations. Please check the financial conditions with your sending National Agency.


Application form.

Contact for questions:

Andreea Olteanu
Phone: + 4 021 201 07 05

The Official Website

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