2012 Western Maryland Blues Fest Poster Contest

Deadline: 21 october 2011
Open to: All interested
Prize: $500 winner prize plus 2 free VIP tickets for the Western Maryland Blues Fest


The City of Hagerstown’s Western Maryland Blues Fest Committee, in collaboration with the Washington County Arts Council, announces the search for the 2011 Western Maryland Blues Fest Poster Artist. The Western Maryland Blues Fest is pleased to invite visual artists, including local artists of Western Maryland and the surrounding area, to answer this call for the opportunity of becoming the 2012 Blues Fest Poster Artist. The 17th annual Western Maryland Blues Fest is scheduled for 31 May–3 June, 2012. Every year the Blues Fest Marketing Committee finds an artist and presents his or her work to the WMBF committee which reviews the work and decides if that artist will be the Blues Fest’s poster artist.


Artists who are interested in having their work reviewed for a chance at becoming the 2012 Blues Fest Poster Artist are encouraged to submit up to three entries. You actually need to create original poster artworks that can be used as Western Maryland Blues Fest promotional materials. Images must be submitted in JPEG format and files should be labeled: “Last Name, First Name, and Title of Work.” Moreover:

  • The artwork must be original, and not clearly identifiable as imitative of any existing art or artist.
  • Keep in mind when creating your original work that it will be manipulated by a graphic designer.
  • The artwork should not represent tobacco, alcohol, or drug use, or, without express written permission from the subject or from his/her authorized legal representatives, a real identifiable personage, living or dead.
  • It is recommended that you visit www.blues-fest.org and search under history to view the posters from previous years.

There is no entry fee to enter the contest.


  • There will be promotional efforts marketing the Blues Fest artist that will include a full-page article in the program booklet and news releases to regional news media.
  • There will be a gallery exhibit featuring your work at the Washington County Arts Council Gallery, 14 W Washington St. Hagerstown, MD 21740. The exhibit will open on Thursday, 31 May 2012 with a reception on Thursday, 31 May 2012. The show will remain on display until Tuesday, 3 July 2012.
  • There will be a poster signing during the opening at the WCAC Gallery.
  • The artist will receive 50 posters for his or her own use.
  • The artist will receive 2 free VIP tickets for Friday, 1 June 2012 and 2 VIP tickets for Saturday, 2 June 2012 which provide entrance to the festival and VIP tent which includes food and beverages.
  • The artist will be compensated $500 by the City of Hagerstown for the artwork and all reproduction rights. The artwork becomes the properly of the City of Hagerstown.


Anyone who is interested in creating this poster is eligible to participate.

How to apply?

Email images of the works to be considered to: gallerymgr@washingtoncountyarts.com by not later than 21 October 2o11. Include full name, address, telephone and email address.

Alternatively, you may submit digital images by sending a CD to the address displayed below.


Washington County Arts Council, inc.
14 W. Washington Street
Hagerstown, MD 21740.

To download a full information kit, please click here.

The Official Website


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