The World Bank Internship Program

Deadline: December 1 – January 31 for Summer Internship, September 1 – October 31 for Winter Internship
Open to: candidates must possess undergraduate degree and be enrolled in full-time graduate study program 
Salary: hourly salary and allowance towards travel expenses

The World Bank Internship offers highly motivated and successful individuals an opportunity to improve their skills while working in a diverse environment. Interns generally find the experience to be rewarding and interesting. The Internship Program is open to students who are nationals of the Bank’s member countries and attracts a large number of highly qualified candidates.  The purpose of the Internship is to provide graduate students with a chance to gain exposure to the work of the World Bank Group in the hopes that some will be interested in returning to the Bank for a career after completing their studies. The advantage for the Bank in offering these opportunities to students is that they get temporary assistance from students who are typically very knowledgeable in particular fields. The job descriptions for interns vary. Some interns research particular projects while others actually help design projects and occasionally they participate in Bank missions. The most common fields of study are: economics, finance, human development (public health, education, nutrition, population), social sciences (anthropology, sociology), agriculture, environment, and private sector development. The number of interns hired for a given year are approximately 150-200, depending on the needs of Bank managers and their budget circumstances.


Candidates must possess an undergraduate degree and already be enrolled in a full-time graduate study program (pursuing a Master’s degree or PhD with plans to return to school in a full-time capacity. Generally, successful candidates have completed their first year of graduate studies or are already into their PhD programs. This Program typically seeks candidates in the following fields: economics, finance, human development (public health, education, nutrition, population), social science (anthropology, sociology), agriculture, environment, private sector development, as well as other related fields. Fluency in English is required. Prior relevant work experience, computing skills, as well as knowledge of languages such as French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese, and Chinese are advantageous.


The Bank pays an hourly salary to all Interns and, where applicable, provides an allowance towards travel expenses. Interns are responsible for their own living accommodations. Most positions are located in Washington, DC (some positions are offered in country offices) and are a minimum of four weeks in duration.


The World Bank Group Internship is offered during two seasons:

  • Summer (June-September) 
    The application period for the Summer is December 1 – January 31 each year.
  • Winter (December-March)
    The application period for the Winter is September 1 – October 31 each year.

All applications MUST be submitted on-line (using the “Apply Now” button). Applications submitted after the deadline are not considered.

Bank Internship FAQs

The World Bank provides also various region-specific internships.

The Official Webpage

19 thoughts on “The World Bank Internship Program

    1. Dear James,

      All applications MUST be submitted on-line ( In order to apply you first have to register to the webpage. For Professional, Technical and Administrative job postings, please consult the How to Apply guide (,,contentMDK:20596155~menuPK:64262358~pagePK:64262408~piPK:64262191~theSitePK:1058433,00.html) for important information regarding the online application form.

      Kind Regards,

      1. I just applied.But the form i filled did not show any thing as World Bank Internship.Is the job application to the Bank always in a general format? How will they know it is the Internship I am applying for and not something else? Kindly reply.

        1. Dear Tolu,

          Mladiinfo is not responsible for the application, so we are not able to answer your question. Please try to contact the World Bank and ask them directly. We wish you good luck!

          Best regards,
          Mladiinfo team

    1. Dear la,

      The application period for the Summer starts on 1st December and lasts till 31st of January each year.
      So to answer your question, yes, you can still apply.

      Kind regards

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing the information about the World Bank Internship. I am highly interested to apply for this internship. May I know who should I address my cover letter to instead of the usual 'Dear Sir/Madam'?

    Thank you.

    1. Dear Eileen,

      We are glad that you found this opportunity beneficial. Best of luck in applying for this internship. About your concern, we don't have specification for that information, but you may look further on the official website.

      Best regards,
      Mladiinfo team

    1. Hello Fation:

      Try registering again and see if you receive the password then. If not, contact the organizers at the World Bank and they should be able to assist you.

      Kind regards,
      Mladiinfo team

  2. Hi
    Are there any quotas for different nationalities? I've been told that for exemple there is too many French students applying and they can accept only a certain number (on criterium of nationality).
    Is that so also for Slovak nationals?
    If I am studying finance, could I apply for another sector of bank's activities if I'd like to learn more about it or is it better to 'stock' with what I already know?
    Thanks a bunch for your answer

    1. Dear Stina,

      please note that Mladiinfo only informs about this possibility, we do not make decision about internships or anything. Therefore we don`t know the complete answers for your questions. The best way is to ask the World Bank directly.
      Anyway, for the second question, it is up to you – if you meet the eligibility criteria, you can apply for any position.
      And about the criterium of nationality – there should be no quotas, since it is against their policy.

      Kind regards,
      Mladiinfo team

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    Hover your mouse over each icon to display the program’s name.

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