Winter School for Pediatricians, Ukraine

Deadline: 14 October 2011
Open to: Pediatricians who have entirely or partially completed their basic pediatric training and who are now either established in, or intending to develop a deep and continuing interest in, pediatric endocrinology and diabetes.
Costs: Accommodation and meals will be provided free of charge, and travel grants will cover a train or reasonably priced plane ticket to Kiev station or airport.
Venue: February 24th- March 1st, 2012, Kiev, Ukraine

The European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology (ESPE) organizes the 17th ESPE Winter School. The course will be held over 5 days (6 nights) and will include interactive lectures by ESPE members, aiming to cover all main topics in pediatric endocrinology; case presentations by the ‘students’; introduction into clinical research; small group sessions to discuss teachers’ cases. All students are expected to stay for the entire course.

Only applicants who fulfill the following criteria will be considered:
*Experience in pediatrics
*Special training in (pediatric) endocrinology
*A proven interest in pediatric endocrinology
*Knowledge of English language, capable of attending lectures and to present cases (responsibility of the head of the department)

Accommodation and meals will be provided free of charge, and travel grants will cover a train or reasonably priced plane ticket to Kiev station or airport.

Application procedure
All the applicants should submit following documents:
1. Application form
2. CV
3. Letter of recommendation from the Department Director
4. Good quality passport-style photograph as a separate *.jpg file

The applications should be sent exclusively by e-mail to the Winter School coordinator, Dr. Malcolm Donaldson, Glasgow, UK:

The application deadline is 14th OCTOBER 2011

This year, applications from Ukraine and surrounding countries (Russia, Belarus, Romania, Poland), the Balkan countries, and the Caucuses will be given preference.

Official website
The Winter School announcement

One thought on “Winter School for Pediatricians, Ukraine

  1. Times certainly chgnae. In 1931, the U.S. Department of Labor published a pamphlet entitled, “Sunlight for Babies.” The pamphlet reports, “Every mother who wishes her baby to have robust health should give him regular sun baths from early infancy until he is old enough to play in the sun himself.” It adds, “If the sun’s rays are to help the baby grow properly and to prevent rickets, they must fall directly on the skin and tan it.”Can you imagine showing up to a government office today with a tanned baby?

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