Scholarship in Epidemiology of Cestode Zoonoses, UK

Deadline: 24 July 2011
Open to: for everybody who performs specification
Salary: £29,972 – £35,788

Wellcome Trust project funded Research Position at College of Science and Technology, University of Salford, United Kingdom.
The post will provide a major part of fieldwork support for a collaborative research project to investigate the role of dogs in the transmission of echinococcosis in Tibetan pastoral communities in western China. The post-doctorate and/or veterinary scientist will be responsible for liaising with Chinese, Swiss (and Kyrgyz) collaborators, planning, logistics and undertaking dog dosing and sampling in remote endemic pastoral communities.


  • Hold an honours degree in a bioscience/life science or related field .
  • Hold a PhD or Veterinary degree (with 2 yrs post grad experience) in epidemiology, parasite transmission, or veterinary public health

The candidate must perform these specifications:


  • Hold an honours degree in a bioscience/life science or related field
  • Hold a PhD or Veterinary degree (with 2 yrs post grad experience) in epidemiology,parasite transmission, or veterinary public health

Background and Experience

  • Experience of analysis of epidemiological data
  • Field experience in parasite epidemiology
  • Experience of fieldwork in resource-poor communities
  • Experience of report and/or manuscript preparation, papers published


  • Epidemiology of parasitic and/or other infectious diseases
  • Data handling and analysis, quantitative skills

Skills and Competencies

  • Evidence of ability to plan, implement, produce and present research
  • Ability to undertake fieldwork in dog-owning pastoral communities
  • Evidence of successful team work, independent work and self-organisation


  • To undertake overseas fieldwork activities primarily in western China (but also probably in Kyrgystan), in relation to canine echinococcosis and transmission of human alveolar and cystic hydatid disease.
  • To plan and carry out prevalence and longitudinal follow-up studies of owned dogs in high altitude Tibetan pastoral communities.
  • To analyse canine and human prevalence data (serological and ultrasound data) and geospatial data in relation to parasite frequencies, reinfection rates and distribution; to maintain data sets.
  • To oversee laboratory based testing/data sets at Salford, and to liaise with Chinese scientists in the field/study communities. To communicate and collaborate with Kyrgyz, European and Japanese co-investigators.
  • To prepare written reports, scientific journal papers and conference or workshop presentations.
  • Bring to the attention of managers any matters relating to the health and safety of staff, students and visitors.
  • Engage with the University’s commitment to deliver value for money services that optimise the use of resources by maintaining a cost conscious approach when undertaking all duties and aspects of the role
  • Promote equality and diversity for students and staff and sustain an inclusive and supportive study and work environment in accordance with University policy.


 Apply Online Here

If you need further information concerning this position, please contact Professor Philip Craig; Tel: 0161 295 5488; email:

The Official Website

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