Queen Jadwiga Fund, Poland

Deadline: 15 June 2011
Open to: academics or doctoral students from Central/Eastern Europe, ex-Soviet Union and the Balkans
Scholarship: monthly scholarship of 1,500 PLN (380 EUR), accommodation and health insurance

The Queen Jadwiga Fund is an independent initiative of the Jagiellonian University. Supported by the resources offered by both institutional and private donors, its primary aim is to attract young scholars from our part of this continent to conduct scientific and library research in Kraków, as well as discover the cultural and academic heritage of this city. The Scholarships are open to candidates who are academics or doctoral students from Central and Eastern Europe,  ex-Soviet Union and Balkan countries whose stay in Kraków is to serve initiating and sustaining contacts between research centres in this region.

So far, thanks to the Queen Jadwiga Fund, nearly 800 young and more accomplished scholars from 21 different countries have visited Kraków.


The faculty and graduate students of universities from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, former Soviet Union countries and the Balkan countries may apply for the scholarship.


The full scholarship is 1500 PLN (380 EUR) per month, each scholar is provided with accommodation in a double room in a student house at the expense of the University and primary health care during your stay. Scholarships may last from 1 to 6 months, depending on the presented research project.

Application Process

The application must contain:

* a completed application form,
* an application letter addressed to the Rector of the Jagiellonian University,
* CV,
* a list of academic achievements and scientific publications
* a research program they intend to carry out during their scholarship stay in Krakow
* a recommendation from a researcher at the Jagiellonian University (as indicated)
* a photocopy of the passport page with a photo.

Applications should be sent to arrive not later than by 15st June 2011

To the following address:
Office of Public Affairs
Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego,
ul. Piłsudskiego 8/1
31-109 Krakow, Polska, Poland

Envelopes should be marked “Fundusz Królowej Jadwigi”.

E-mail: fundusze.stypendialne@uj.edu.pl

The official webpage.

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