Deadline: 08 April 2011
Open to: active volunteers, youth leaders and youth workers from the countries listed below
Costs: organizers will cover boarding and lodging. 70% of travel costs will be reimbursed. There is a 25EUR fee
Venue: Complex Jeravna – Bankya, Bulgaria
ISCA – International Sport and Culture Association – and BYPF – Bulgarian Youth People Foundation are organizing the training NERO – Non formal Education in youth Rural Organizations, which will take place in Bulgaria.
The training will be focused on development of youth work, youth participation and youth organizations through non-formal education as the main topics. The objectives are:
– to build partnerships between NGOs and public institutions to promote non-formal education and its values
– to incorporate non-formal education in the growth and development strategy of rural youth and sport clubs and associations
– to understand the diverse roles of voluntarism in the development of society
– to build competences on how to use the methodology “education through sport” to increase the active youth participation
-to create a network of people interested in using the methodology “education through sport”
The eligible applicants must be active volunteers, youth leaders and youth workers, aged 18 to 30 years, from the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia FYR Macedonia and Denmark.
The participation fee for the seminar is 25 EUR and can be deducted from the travel reimbursement.
The organizers will cover boarding and lodging. The participants should arrange their own travel to and from Bulgaria. Participants will receive a travel reimbursement of 70% of total costs, upon the presentation of original receipts.
Cristiana Alexandra NASTASE at, or + 45 24 62 33 80