Cass Business School Scholarships

Deadline: 31 March 2011
Open to: PhD applicants
Scholarship: bursary of £15,590 per annum

Cass Business School PhD Bursaries
Cass Business School is offering several three-year, full-time doctoral studentships available to both home and overseas fee paying students.

Ana Timberlake PhD Scholarship in Econometrics
The PhD Studentship in Memory of Ana Timberlake is a scholarship lasting up to 4 years, offered by the Centre for Econometric Analysis at Cass Business School with the generous support of Timberlake Consultants. The “Ana Timberlake” Award Holder is expected to undertake a research project on a theoretical/applied econometrics and/or quantitative finance topic.


Students in all areas covered by Cass Business School, including, finance, accounting, management, actuarial Science and insurance.


Online application.
The following items (in electronic format) are compulsory for your application:
* Research proposal and 400 word non-technical summary
* Your CV/Resume including a passport photograph
* Names and e-mails of 2 academic referees
* Your personal details, including a contact e-mail
* Official transcripts for your Bachelor Degree
* Official transcript of proficiency in English, if English is not your first language

The following items should be supplied if available:
* Transcripts or provisional results of your Masters degree(s)
* Professional qualifications
* Employment history


Each studentship will attract a bursary of £15,590 per annum in addition to the payment of the tuition fees for up to 4 years.


Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
United Kingdom

Official Webpage


2 thoughts on “Cass Business School Scholarships

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