Bayhost Scholarships for Students and Scientists from EE, Germany

Deadline: 15 February
Open to: graduates (Bachelors, Masters) from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine
Scholarship: 700 €/month

The Bavarian ministry for science, research and art will sponsor scholarships for the academic year 2011/12. Graduates from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine are eligible to apply. The scholarships are meant to finance doctoral or postgraduate studies at Bavarian universities. One year scholarships can be extended twice for up to 3 years.


The scholarship is paid out monthly (700 €) and amounts to 8400 € per year. Students with children or an unemployed partner and at least one child receive 860 € per month, which amounts to 10320 € per year. Candidates should send their documents to the address specified in the application forms.

Application process

Usually you don’t have to apply at the university beforehand. You should apply only if the subject you want to study has restricted admission in Bavaria, which is the case with many masters programs.

Attention! Your application for a BAYHOST scholarship and an application for a masters program (or any
other with restricted admission) are two different applications to two different institutions! Your admission to a masters program (or any other) doesn’t mean that you automatically receive a BAYHOST scholarship. Also, if you receive a scholarship from BAYHOST it doesn’t mean that you will be admitted to a restricted admission program at the university. Therefore, it is strongly advised to apply to several universities and for several scholarship programs.

After filling out the online application form, you have to send these documents:

For First Time Applications:
1.  certified proficiency of German language
2.  an above average university degree (certified copy as well as certified German translation of the document)
3.  proof of nationality (copy of passport or identity card)
4.  letter of endorsement (Betreuungszusage) from a Professor (or the course coordinator of a Masters programme) of a Bavarian university ( can also be sent directly to BAYHOST by the professor or coordinator)
5.  CV (personal data sheet) in German and with a passport photo
6.  letter of motivation, in which you state the reasons for undertaking your planned studies (1-2 pages)
7.  for PhDs: a project draft (2 pages) as well as a time schedule for the complete project
8.  if applicable: marriage certificate, birth certificate of a child (in case family allowance should be applied for) both as a certified copy and with a certified German translation

Deadline for first time applications: 15.02.2011 (date of receipt!)

Please send your documents to the following address:

Application documents sent to by fax or email will not be considered!

Please note that it is not able to return application documents that were sent.

The official webpage.

2 thoughts on “Bayhost Scholarships for Students and Scientists from EE, Germany

  1. Dear Sirs,

    We have one question regarding your scholarship. We are very interested in coming to some German music faculty and we can complete all your requirements, accept good knowledge of German language. Please let us know is that level of proficiency also applied for musicians as we are.

    Best regards from Serbia,

    Dusica Mladenvic, violin player

    Zorana Zderic, conductor

    1. Dear Dusina and Zorana,

      Please note that Mladiinfo does not give scholarships or any financial support, but only informs about different opportunities. Click on the direct link to the official page above to apply for the program.

      Please make sure you are matriculated in a Master- or PhD-program at a Bavarian University of your choice during the period of your granted scholarship.

      And if you chose the program taught in English, that shouldn't be a problem, "because when researching at an institute, where the working language is English, it is sufficient to send evidence of your English language skills."

      However, please contact the respective people: siringo[at] or



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