Essay Competition for Czech/French/German/Polish/US Citizens

Deadline: 15 January 2011
Open to: German, French, Polish, Czech or American citizens aged between 18-25 years
Award: attending the workshop in Berlin (3-7 March 2011)

Are you between 18 and 25 years of age and a German, French, Polish, Czech or American citizen? Then enter our Essay Competition and take this opportunity to talk about these and related issues with young people from the USA, France, Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany in Berlin (March 3-7, 2011)!

The project Fascinating America – Fascinating Europe? Images of American and European Culture is supported by the Goethe-Instituts in Poland, the Czech Republic, France and the USA. The Goethe-Institut seeks to contribute to mutual understanding among young people from both sides of the Atlantic.


* You must be between 18 and 25 years old at the time of the call for essays
* You must be a German, French, Polish, Czech or American citizen
* Your essay should address the three questions in your native language, with a summary in either German or English.
* Essay length: 2500–3000 characters
* Only one essay may be submitted per participant
* The workshop’s language of communication is English (March 3-7, 2011), you therefore must have English-language skills at the B2, C1 level


Your essay should answer the following three questions in your native language, with a summary in German or English:

Questions for the European participants:

* WHO personifies American culture to you, in connection with an important aspect of your life?
* WHAT is specifically American about this person?
* WHY is this so important to you?

Questions for the US participants:

* WHO personifies European culture to you, in connection with an important aspect of your life?
* WHAT is specifically European about this person?
* WHY is this so important to you?

Please send us your essay electronically. Please use this Online Form.

Submission Deadline: January 15, 2011.


If you are selected, you will be given the opportunity to talk about these and related issues with young people from the USA, France, Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany in Berlin (March 3-7, 2011)!

The official webpage.

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