Erasmus Mundus MA in International Performance Research

Deadline: 4 January 2011
Open to: students of final year of an undergraduate degree, individuals with performance-related profession
Duration: over 16 months
Scholarship: 36 000€, 14 000€

The Erasmus Mundus MA in International Performance Research (MAIPR) is aimed at students with a particular interest and/or background in the performing arts, therefore those who may wish to pursue a career in or add value to already existing skills in aspects of arts practice or pursue an academic career through advanced study, perhaps leading to a Ph.D.

The ideal candidate has a strong academic background and also experience with creative practice in theater and/or performance.  You may be in your final year of an undergraduate degree or have been working in a performance-related profession or area. The current MAIPR intakes are truly international, made up of students from all continents. We have students who have entered straight after finishing their undergraduate degrees in performance-related disciplines and others who have worked as directors, choreographers, curators, dancers and actors.

Funded by the European Commission, the MAIPR from autumn 2011 will be offered by four internationally renowned academic institutions:

  • The University of Warwick in the UK
  • The University of Amsterdam in The Netherlands
  • The University of Arts Belgrade in Serbia
  • The University of Helsinki in Finland


The European Commission, via the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), funds two scholarship competitions for outstanding students from outside the EU and for selected EU/EEA/EFTA students, as well as for a number of visiting scholars. Erasmus Mundus has two separate competitions:

  • Category A – 36 000€

Category A scholarships are aimed at covering all the costs of the programme, therefore fees, travel and living expenses over 16 months:

– 10 scholarships for eligible third-country applicants (therefore those whose nationality and place of abode are outside of the EU/EEA/EFTA area) who have lived, studied and/or worked for LESS THAN a cumulative period of 12 months within the EU/EEA/EFTA area as at 31 January 2011.
– 2 additional scholarships are reserved for eligible West Balkans and Turkish applicants who have lived, studied and/or worked for LESS THAN a cumulative period of 12 months within the EU/EEA/EFTA area as at 31 January 2011.
After the € 12 000 programme fee has been deducted from the EM scholarship, you will receive € 24 000. This amount is made up as follows:
€ 8 000 travel and installation allowance
€ 16 000 monthly stipend

  • Category B – 14 000€

Category  B scholarships are considered as financial contributions rather than full scholarships:

– 8 scholarships for eligible EU/EEA/EFTA applicants, also third-country applicants who have lived, studied and/or worked for MORE THAN a cumulative period of 12 months within the EU/EEA/EFTA area as at 31 January 2011.
After the programme fee has been deducted from the EM scholarship, an EU student will receive € 8 000 to be paid over 16 months at the rate of € 500 per month.

How to Apply

The best way to apply for the MAIPR programme is online via the University of Warwick, the coordinating institution for the Consortium. Please click-on the following link on-line application form to access the online portal.

Application fee: Postgraduate Admissions levy a non-refundable application handling fee for all taught postgraduate courses, including the MAIPR.  For an online application it is £30, for a paper application it is £50.

All students must apply for the programme through the University of Warwick. you are unable to apply through the Universities of Amsterdam, Tampere or Arts Belgrade.  However, while the application form is geared towards the University of Warwick, you are applying to all of the partner institutions when you submit the form.

Supporting documentation

  • An ‘Academic interests and purpose of study’
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Certified and, if necessary, translated degree transcripts and explanation of grading system
  • Certificate of Language test results
  • Photocopy of passport

Official website

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