Visegrad Scholarship Program, Slovakia, Czech, Poland, Hungary

Deadline: 31 January 2011
Open to: undergraduates (for Master’s studies) and graduates (for Post-Master’s studies) with at least 4 completed semesters from the SEE region, Caucasus, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia
Duration: for Master – 1 to 4 semesters, for Post-Master – 1 to 2 semesters
Scholarship: €2,300/semester, travel grant if the travelling distance is more than 1500 km

The International Visegrad Fund offers Master’s and Post-Master’s scholarships awarded to selected scholars for periods of 1 or 2 semesters (with the exception of Master’s scholarships within the In-Coming scheme where 1– to 4-semester scholarships can be awarded). Given the annual budget of €1,448,000, the Fund will award about 400 semesters in total in the academic year 2010/2011 (more information).

Applicants whose current (i.e. at the time of applying) university or employer is further than 1,500 km from the selected host university/institute are eligible for a one-time travel grant (see the Instructions).

Citizens of the following countries can apply:

Albania (AL), Armenia (AM), Azerbaijan (AZ), Belarus (BY), Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), Croatia (HR), the Czech Republic (CZ), Georgia (GE), Hungary (HU), Macedonia (MK), Moldova (MD), Montenegro (ME), Poland (PL), the Russian Federation (RU), Serbia (RS), Slovakia (SK) and Ukraine (UA). The same rules are applicable to Kosovar scholars.

The scholarship program is not applicable to, nor does it cover full studies within joint programs (i.e. double– or multiple-degree). The scholarship does not cover studies/research at other institutions or in other countries than those specified in the application form. The scholars are expected to work on their study/research projects at the host university/institution for the entire scholarship period. All applicants must have finished at least 4 semesters of university at the time of applying.

The following scholarship schemes are available:

* Intra-Visegrad Scholarships
* In-Coming Scholarships
* Out-Going Scholarships
o Scholarship Program for Belarusian Students
o Scholarship Program for Ukrainian Students
* Visegrad Scholarships at OSA Archivum (sep­a­rate program)

In-Coming Scholarships

The In-Coming Scholarships scheme is suitable for scholars who wish to study at accredited public or private universities or institutes of the respective national academies of sciences in the Visegrad Group (V4) countries (i.e. the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland or Slovakia). Citizens of the following countries are eligible for In-Coming Scholarships: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, the Russian Federation, Serbia and Ukraine (please note that the same rules are applicable to Kosovar scholars).

Successful appli­cants within this scheme will receive schol­ar­ships of €2,300/semester and the cor­re­spond­ing host universities/institutes receive €1,500/semester/scholar. Scholars who will have to travel to the host insti­tu­tion more than 1,500 km are also eli­gi­ble for one-time Travel Grant.

How to Apply

1. You can apply only through the online application system.

2. With the application form you must attach:

Copy of the certified translation of a diploma (Master’s or the high­est obtained)
Acceptance letter from the host university/institution
Working plan of the study/research period (for Master’s Scholarship, he/she shall submit a list of courses that he/she plans to attend and state the length of these courses and their credit value).
Recommendation letter (only for Post-Master’s level)

3. Submit your application on-line. Then print your application form directly from the on-line sys­tem (using the ‘Print’ button), sign it and send it to us together with the compulsory annexes (please note that we require original documents; copies cannot be accepted) by the deadline. The application can be either delivered personally to the Fund by the deadline date or sent by post and postmarked with the deadline date as the latest possible. (No document postmarked after 31 January can be accepted.)

Signed hard-copy versions of the application form along with all relevant annexes can be either brought personally to the Fund by 16.30 CET on the deadline date or sent by post if postmarked with the deadline date as the latest on the address:

Interna­tional Viseg­rad Fund
Kráľovské údolie 8
811 02 Bratislava
Slo­vak Republic

Deadline for all scholarship applications is 31 January. Next deadline is 31 January 2011.

More info on application instructions.

The official webpage.

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