Rolex Awards for Enterprise

Deadline: 31/05/2011
Open to:
any individual of any age
Awards: US$100,000, a Rolex chronometer, and the benefits of international publicity

The next Rolex Awards for Enterprise will be presented in 2012 to five new Laureates for their projects that demonstrate innovative thought and benefit the world we live in. For their new ventures or completion of ongoing projects, each Laureate receives US$100,000, a Rolex chronometer, and the benefits of international publicity.

Is your project eligible?

The Rolex Awards are open to any individual of any age, with a concrete working project. Proposals may be submitted in almost any area of activity, including science and health; applied technology; exploration and discovery; the environment; and cultural heritage.

Discover past winners of the Rolex Awards for Enterprise

How to Apply

To apply, after reading the Useful Documents, create an account and fill out a pre-application form. You will have one month, from the moment your account is created, to complete the pre-application form in English.

The final deadline for submitting a pre-application is 31 May 2011. However, you are strongly advised to submit a pre-application form as soon as possible.

Pre-applicants whose projects are selected by Rolex for further consideration will be invited to submit a full application.

Read the rules and conditions

Apply now

Selection Process

The Rolex Laureates are selected by an independent panel of international specialists at the top of their fields, supported by a team of researchers.

Winners are chosen based on three main criteria: spirit of enterprise, originality, and potential impact. Judges also consider how the award will contribute to the completion of the project.

The Jury changes for each cycle of Rolex Awards. The 2012 jury will be announced in 2011.

Since 1976, more than 100 leading experts from 24 countries have served on the Rolex Awards Jury. They include French research virologist Professor Luc Montagnier, Russian deep-ocean explorer Anatoli Sagalevitch and American astronaut and educator Dr Katherine Sullivan.

The Secretariat
Rolex Awards for Enterprise
P.O. Box 1311
1211 Geneva 26

Tel: + 41 22 302 22 00
Fax: + 41 22 302 25 85

Official website

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