UK Photography Awards 2010

Deadline: 01/10/2010
Open to:
all nationalities providing they are resident in the UK at the time of the award
Awards: up to £20,000

The National Media Museum in partnership with Photoworks and five sponsors, has announced a fourth programme Awards for photographic projects, following the success of the inaugural scheme in 2007. The Awards granted will again be up to a sum of £20,000.

The Awards form part of the Museum’s ongoing commitment to contemporary photography in promoting the work of emerging and mid-career photographers. They will assist talented photographers with the production of ongoing projects or a new body of work and, provide support for them to develop and enhance their practice and profile.

Applicants must provide a brief written synopsis of their proposal together with their CV, an example of their work, and application form. Applications are invited from all nationalities providing they are resident in the UK at the time of the award. Projects must be completed within one year of awards being made and successful applicants are expected to work independently, but will receive support and guidance from Museum staff if required. At the completion of the project successful applicants must donate one work from an edition, or a series of works, to the National Media Museum.

Interested applicants can download further details and the application form (Doc 238kB) here.

The closing date for applications is 1 October 2010.

Official website

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