Ethnic Politics Workshop, Washington DC

Deadline: 15/08/2010

The Ethnic Politics Workshop will be held during October 15-16, 2010, at The George Washington University (GW). The conveners seek to promote new approaches to the study of ethnic politics in the social sciences by bringing together a small interdisciplinary group of social scientists to exchange ideas, brainstorm, and provide constructive criticism of each other’s works in progress. We envision the possibility of future meetings and hope that joint projects may result from the workshop.

* social scientists (Ph.D. candidates near completion and beyond, based in North America) whose work:
(a) demonstrates substantial theoretical innovation grounded in empirical research;
(b) has ethnicity as a central focus (or dependent variable), not simply as one among many;
(c) has the potential to lead to generalizable and falsifiable arguments;
(d) reflects (potential for) a long-term research program rather than a one-off project.

Transportation and accommodation costs will be covered by the organizers. The meeting is funded by a grant from the Dean of GW’s Elliott School of International Affairs.

Application procedure
Interested researchers should submit a CV and a one-page description of the research project idea they would like to present at the workshop, explaining how it fits into their longer-term research program. These documents should be sent to by August 15, 2010.

Applicants will be notified of decisions by early September.

With any further quires contact Harris Mylonas at:

More info about The Elliott School of International Affairs & Department of Political Science, George Washington University

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