International Summer Camp, Music and Peace, Germany

Deadline: please contact via mail

Summer Camp -International Gathering
July 24  – August 8,   2010


*Youth and young adults, 17 to 26 years old


*Music and Peace

Program info

– Discover the wonderful diversity of music-cultures !
– Music as a bridge for international understanding !
– You will make music, sing, dance , and have fun !
– Workshops, excursions, open-air-events, concerts, some practical work in the bio-garden, peace-festival, mutual country-culture-reports, campfire, swimming, sports, etc.


*120€- For East and south Europe
*50€- For East European participants
*Includes: food, accommodations, insurance, transport to Joachimsthal and back, seminar-fees

Application process

*For further information and registration:

Martin Niemoeller Peace Center Berlin, c/o Uli Sonn Tel. 030-8431 9550
Pacelliallee 61 , 14195 Berlin

For more info click here

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